I always seem to be making posts after visits, but then that's probably not so surprising.
I'm also going to be mushy, because I try to limit it with my friends (literally none of them is in a happy relationship - I feel like I've mentioned that before?), because I don't want to make them throw up or hate me.

Something is definitely up with me. I've been unnaturally tired since Friday. I doesn't matter how much I sleep. We slept in on Friday, but I was still ready to go back to sleep two hours after we had gotten up. I had to make an effort to keep my eyes open when we visited a friend on Thursday. I thought it might be PMS (I don't like writing about that or bloating around about it, because frankly, I think people women falsely blame a lot of things on it) but I do get weird a few days before my period starts. Today I have a sore throat as well, though so I might be getting sick. I just hope it's not getting worse.

This wasn't supposed to be about self pity, though. I was going to write just how much I love my boyfriend.
This is a bit unrelated, but I needed to write it and it doesn't really fit anywhere: My boyfriend and I were browsing the wikipedia page about mammals in Poland (we got there because he didn't know what a muskrat was) and I learnt that there are moose in Poland!!! They actually have the biggest moose population in Central Europe. I had no idea. Moose are irreversably connected to Scandinavia, esp Sweden, in my head, I never knew they had them in PL as well. We have a new holiday destination in Poland now. We absolutely need to go to one of their national parks to see moose - oh and bisons, but I knew about those already.
What I was going to write about is this:
Our two-years anniversary is November, 26th but he sort of celebrated it last night. We came back from our friend's at about half past midnight and I went to shower and brush my teeth and when I got back my room, he had lit these two fflower candles he had brought, he played this* from youtube and there were three presents on my table <3 I cried, of course, it was so beautiful!
I'm going to post pictures later (I promise!), but one of the presents was a heart-shaped puzzle with a photo of us. We had a lot of fun putting it together. "Look, here's more hair! Is that your's or mine?!" "I found your mouth!" <3
It was so cute and even though I'm not usually a person for romantic mushy confessions of love, it was perfect. Now if only he didn't live 1000km away, I couldn't ask for more.

*I decided, since most of you, probably don't speak the most beautiful language on earth to add the video, lyrics and a translation. Be aware, though that neither Polish nor English is my first language and this is merely to give you an understanding I don't want to pass the exam for qualified translator

Będziesz zbierać kwiaty.................................................. ................You will be picking flowers
będziesz się uśmiechać .................................................. ...............You will be smiling
będziesz liczyć gwiazdy .................................................. ...............You will be counting stars
będziesz na mnie czekać.................................................. ..............You will be waiting for me

I ty właśnie ty .................................................. ...........................And you, precisely you
będziesz moją damą .................................................. ................will be my lady
i ty właśnie ty .................................................. ..........................and you precisely you,
będziesz moją panią .................................................. .................will be my lady

Będą ci grały skrzypce lipowe .................................................. ...For you there will be playing linden violins
będą śpiewały jarzębinowe .................................................. ......there will be singing rowan trees,
drzewa, liście, ptaki wszystkie .................................................. ..leaves and all birds

Będę z tobą tańczyć .................................................. ................I will be dancing with you
bajki opowiadać .................................................. .....................telling you fairy tales
słońce z pomarańczy .................................................. ..............putting a sun of orange
w twoje dłonie składać .................................................. ...........in your hands

I ty właśnie ty .................................................. ...........................And you, precisely you
będziesz moją damą .................................................. .................will be my lady
i ty właśnie ty .................................................. ..........................and you precisely you,
będziesz moją panią .................................................. .................will be my lady

Będą ci grały nocą sierpniową .................................................. .For you there will be playing, in August nights,
wiatry strojone barwą słońca .................................................. .winds dyed in the sun's colour
będą śpiewały, śpiewały bez końca ............................................they will be singing, singing endlessly

Będziesz miała imię .................................................. ..............You will have a name like
jak wiosenna róża.................................................. ........... .....like a spring rose
będziesz miała miłość .................................................. ..........You will have love
jak jesienna burza .................................................. .......... .....like an autumn storm

I ty właśnie ty .................................................. ..........................And you, precisely you
będziesz moją damą .................................................. ................will be my lady
i ty właśnie ty .................................................. ..........................and you precisely you,
będziesz moją panią .................................................. .................will be my lady

He has just sent me a text saying "Greetings from the land of moose, my muskrat" I call him musk deer... but really in Polish they have names for all the musk animals (there's a duck as well aparently) and it sounds a lot nicer than musk-something.