This is going to be a bit of a rant and a bit of an updat.
I'm going to Warsaw in October to do Erasmus. This is something I need to do, because my university here just can't offer me a suitable curriculum due to the size of our department. I've already spent a semester there during my undergrad studies (that was when I met my boyfriend!). Why am I mentioning this? I joined a group for Erasmus students in Warsaw on facebook and JEEEZ, those people are nervous! The deadline to apply was May 15th and they're already writing worried posts wondering when they are FINALLY going to recieve an answer from the unversity. They're not going to last long in Polish reality...
I feel so weird about this Erasmus thing, though. I feel like I'm somehow missing out on a huge part of the experience by going to a country where I already speak the language, city that I know as well as my own and to move in with my parents in law. I guess I would have liked to spend some time in another country (like Lithuania or Russia), but education wise, like not life experience, but learning something related to my degree, Warsaw makes the most sense. And I can only afford to be a student for so long...
Plus I really like Poland and Warsaw and my parents in law. And you can't imagine just how much I'm looking forward to living in a proper apartment with a real kitchen (and a window *sigh*).

I talked to my professor/boss and he's generally ok with me moving by the end of August. We still don't know what my boyfriend's going to do as in whether he's staying here or going back with me. He's going home for a week next Wednesday and he wants to talk it through with his mother then and see what she has to say (after all she's financing him so she has a say in it as well). I dread going back to long-distance, a lot. Living with him is wonderful. Falling asleep next to him, being able to share the little things is still amazing. I don't want to give that up again, but it's not up to me to make that choice. I understand that my boyfriend wants to stay here, though and as much as I don't want us to be long distance... it would be neat if he learnt German properly. :-/

Today is Wednesday, which means he has about 15 more minutes until we start our date night. We also went for some shopping and kebab/falafel yesterday (which was really nice). I don't know what we're going to do tonight (I sort of feel like having pizza, maybe we can buy frozen pizza and some wine and stay at home so it won't be that expensive).

*edit: One more thing, because the boyfriend is still busy anyway:
I'm so effing angry at the people who're responsible for my social scholarship. I handed in all the required papers by the end of April. Two weeks ago I went and asked about them and whether I had anything to hope for this month... The didn't answer any of my questions, googled my dad, asked me where the quotes are on her keyboard and how she can print out something from the internetz. I had to try so hard not to flip out on her. I'm not asking for that money for jokes and it's not someone graciously helping me, but money I have an effing right to. IF I get anything this months, then I'm recieving it tomorrow... which is probably not going to happen. It's so unfair. I had a really nice case handler before (I was totally in platonic love with him, because he was just so nice and patient! That man was worth his weight in gold), but he left and they left me with a horrible person who types two-finger hunt and peck style, doesn't know where the quotes are or how to print a newspaper article from the internet