*edit: First of all: CHEESECAKE for my Love!

I've been alone this weekend. My boyfriend had to go home to hand in his thesis, return books to the library and see his parents and friends.
It was ok mainly. I missed him, but it was definitely bearable. He's already in the coach now , but he won't arrive until 9 tomorrow morning.
I did some reading on an overdue term paper, watched Pretty Little Liars , watched football with friends, had my best friend over for breakfast yesterday, went to the gym this morning and I'm going to make a cheesecake later today. I <3 baking.
I also bought one of those wedding magazines, even though we're not getting married for another 2,5 years.
But I like looking at wedding dresses and there was a 55 tips etiquette manual feature. They had a bit about speeches and it got me thinking... an interntional, bi-lingual wedding is a huge challenge in itself.
We're going to have the ceremony 'subtitled'. We're going to translate the sermon and make a something like a pp presentation, so that the people who don't speak Polish can follow.
I hadn't thought about speeches, though. I guess there are going to be some. At least from my boyfriend's family. Mine is sort of shy and quiet. Maybe we could have everyone who plans on giving a speech send it to one of the witnesses, so they can translate, but I don't know how realistic that is and whether it's asking too much of them. I would hate for people not to know what's being said, though.
It's not really pressing or anything, obviously, but I feel like a lot of things are going to turn out tricky, so thinking ahead can't hurt.
I got offcially accepted at the University of Warsaw, which is good... I'm frustrated with my classes this semester. In half of my classes there are only 3 or 4 people - me and some Polish Erasmus students (in the other classes there are mainly Russian majors). It's nice, but I don't feel like I'm actually learning anything. We don't really have class, we talk about shit like how outrageous rent is around here or share anecdotes. Like I said, it's nice, but I don't go to class for nice. If classes are nice, it's a nice extra, but I go there to learn something. I can have nice with my friends, after classes or at home with my boyfriend. I don't need to go to class for nice. There's nothing I can do about it. It's just the way it is and I knew about it when I decided to stay here for my Master's. I just wish it was different. *sigh*
Maybe I should take the initiative and write on my paper instead of complaining that I'm not learning anything...

...or watch another episode of PLL.