I've been starting to write blog posts and then give up for the past three days or so. I don't really have anything interesting to write about it seems.
My boyfriend left and he's coming back in 12 days (yay!) and then we're going to be living together here for another six weeks, before we go to Poland together, go on our Trip to Ukraine (I borrowed a phrasebook from the uni library today - it has the most useless dumb phrases I swear!) and then he's going to come back here, while I'm staying in Poland.
We're going to be LDR until mid-February. That's four-ish months and he's going to come home for Christmas and I've already bought tickets to visit for a long weekend in November. I'm telling myself that it will be fine.

I'm writing term papers now. The deadline is Aug, 20th, so I've taken some books from the library and made a lot of copies today. I have a plan for the next two weeks, so I guess I should be done reading and researching when my boyfriend comes back and focus on writing. I'm always stressing about term papers, procrastinating and losing track and then I'm a nervous wreck the week before they're due. So I've decided I'm trying a schedule this time. So far I'm somewhat behind, but it's ok. I have some time tomorrow morning for things I didn't get done today.

I'm excited about moving to Poland. I've looked into possible lectures/classes that I could take and there's SO SO many. I'm not used to having a choice. My department is so small, they offer one class of each kind that's required (eg. one lingustics lecture, one literary studies, etc), and you just have to go for it, even if the topic doesn't really interest you a lot. We have only two profs that can teach seminars at graduate level (one of linguistics and one for literature). I'm also excited/nervous about moving in with my "parents in law". I moved out of my mum's at 19 and I've lived on my own, that is with roommates but far away from my family, ever since. It's going to be sort of weird to live with guardian-type people again. They're not my parents obviously and I'm an adult, but.... they're still parents and they're going to feel responsible for me.

When he's coming back to PL in February, we'll hopefully be closing the distance for good. We're planning on going back to Germany together in October next year, so my boyfriend can get his Master's degree, but we're going together. I'll be writing my thesis, but I can do that pretty much anywhere, so I don't have to come back here. I'm looking forward to setteling down somewhere, for longer than two years. I want to get guinea pigs! And live in a real apartment (with a balcony!!).