I realised I never really wrote down our story. There are bits and pieces of it in different threads, but not as one compact story, so I might do that tonight. We're approaching 1000 days of knowing each other. That's as good a reason as any. Plus it might get me in writing mood. I procrastinating, but our library servers crashed and we can't even look up where books are (much less take books out, etc) so I feel like I have a reason to. They might extend the deadline, though if the system isn't back working on Monday.

Soo our story.
Three years ago, I was offered a scholarship to study in Poland for one semester. I had been in Warsaw before and thought that the city was terribly ugly and unfriendly, but seeing as they were going to pay me and I was looking at taking a break from working for one semester, I took up on it anyway.
So at the end of September I got on a train with two other girls from my department and we left for Warsaw. I wasn't very happy on my first days there, but I made friends with the people from my Polish class pretty quickly and started to go out a lot. So it happened that one night at the end of November we went to a concert of the Polish band T.Love. It was St. Andrew's day which in Polish, or generally Eastern European, tradition is a day for fortune telling. See here: http://culture.polishsite.us/articles/art14fr.htm
We went to a St. Andrew's celebration before the concert and did the thing with the three cups - I got one with a heart in it
So we went to have some beers and then to the concert. Where, I guess, we had some wodka, but I'm not so sure about that anymoe
The support was still on and I noticed this cute guy in front of us and I might -um- accidentally have touched his back or something until he finally noticed, turned around and asked me what I wanted to drink (he claims to this day, he asked if I wanted beer *pff* men! A memory like Swiss cheese!). I told him beer would be fine and we went to the bar to get some. On the way I also introduced myself, eloquently as I am, said "Hey, my name is [Dziubka] and I'm from Germany!" He was a bit shocked (he later admitted that he was scared that that was all I could say in Polish and since he doesn't know any other languages he was about to excuse himself and never show up again ) and refused to believe me, but we went for that beer anyway and then to some other quieter area to sit down. I showed him my ID to prove my nationality. We spent the whole concert talking... and at the end he wrote down his name and number on my ticket (I still have it!). We couldn't find my friends so he offered to bring me home. I had just moved dorms two weeks earlier and apparently couldn't explain very well where I lived, but we managed anyway. Now, we weren't really allowed to have unanounced overnight visitors (WTF, right?!) but I sneaked him in anyway to make him tea to thank him for bringing me home.
He stayed the night (much to the displeasure of my roommate -whoops- sorry!) but left early the next morning because he had German class (irony of fate!). Before he left he asked me if we'd see each other again. Half in my sleep and slightly hungover I apparently said "NO!" and if this wasn't enough the concierge refused to let him out, asking him how he got in without a magnetic card and asked him to pay about 10€. The good boy he is, he reached for his wallet, but in the end the concierge let him go for free. I still sort of chuckle at his unfortunate morning today...

So the next day he tried to call me. Being scared of speaking Polish on the phone, I didn't pick up. Then he texted me and I answered and we agreed to go on a date. We continued to see each other... and before we knew, we were in a relationship.
He went to Germany with me at the end of the semester, helping me transport my stuff and stayed with me for a few days. When he went home we started our long distance relationship.

And that's it. In about three weeks 1000 days will have passed since the day we went to that concert as strangers.

He's coming home in one week and I really can't wait! It's going to be so hard to go back to being LDR in a few weeks. It's only very temporarily this time, though! and we're going to have our second Christmas and third New Year's eve together <3 Haha who thinks about Christmas and NYE in July? We're going to spend NYE in a resort in the mountains, where we already went for a few days last year. I might try skiing for the first time (or not, we'll see). I love summer, but I think winter is my favourite season. I don't like that it's only light for a couple of hours, but I like wearing caps and scarves (not so much gloves, but I can survive them) and I sort of like snow and the atmosphere, when you go for a walk in the cold and come inside to have hot tea... oh, and mulled wine and beer.