We bought our tickets to Ukraine. We're now officially definitely going! I'm so excited. I've been wanting to visit Ukraine for the past five years, so this is a huge dream coming true for me.
We bought one we tickets, too because we're going back by train. We're looking at two train train rides, one 14 hours and the other one 24 or 25 hours during our trip. We're now taking the plane to Kiev instead of the coach. It's a bit more expensive, but obviously a lot faster. We've quite literally bought ourselves another day there.
Speaking of days we had a bit of a drama before this.
Like I said, travelling to Ukraine has been a huge dream of mine for years. We were originally supposed to go earlier this year, in March or April. That fell through for a few reasons, so we postponed our trip for (after) the summer.
Then my boyfriend went on a trip with his dad and friends in July, but still promised me we'd go to Ukraine. He came back on Sunday and started his summer job on Monday. There he signed a contract until Sept, 15th.
Now my classes in Poland start on Sept, 28th so by then I need to be back. Before going to Ukraine, we need to go to Warsaw first, to drop off my stuff. We have to take the coach from here to Warsaw, because of my baggage. I'm giving up my room here, moving all my things. It would cost a fortune to take so much baggage on the plane and it's impossible to change trains with so much baggage. Leaving the coach, because other people handle your baggage and you can take more.
Taking the coach from here to Warsaw takes about 16 hours. So all things considered... it left us about a week for our trip to Ukraine.
When we figured out the logicstics on Tuesday I was devastated. This is a trip I had been looking forward to for years and I had been saving up for. A week is not nearly enough. I was so disappointed. That's not how I had imagined it. It's fine that my boyfriend wants to go on annual trips with his dad and friends, but it's NOT ok that our trips suffer from that. I had suggested serveral times before, that I could go on my own and my boyfriend always said that he wanted us to go together, so I didn't go through with it. I felt so let down, upset and angry.
There was nothing really we could do about it at that point and I know that being upset and getting angry wasn't going to change anything, but there was not much I could do.
In the end he apologised and promised that it wasn't going to happen again. I'm semi-ok. I'm still hurt and incredibly disappointed, but now all I can do is make the best of it. It's going to be a great trip anyway and Ukraine will be there for another few years (hopefully!). If there's something we don't manage to see this time, I have a reason to go again.

On a related note, my boyfriend has been working ~10h daily since he came back. He gets up at 4am and gets back home no earlier than 5, rather 6pm He's working every day except for Sundays til Sept, 15th. I know, it's a lot of money, *I* told him to get a job and I know it's every day life for a lot of couples, but still And now that he's home he's playing some game with his friends... I wish we could spend more time together.