I've packed up a lot of my stuff already and so far it's actually going better than I had thought. I have a lot of stuff, but I also have some huge suitcases I still have some things left and I'm making this more difficult for myself by always wondering if I can pack this or that already or if I'm still going to need it Things are definitely moving forward, though.
I sort of feel that my boyfriend's family's critisizing me for having a lot of stuff. And it annoys me. I mean when 'normal' people move they hire moving company. They should be surprised I can fit my stuff in a few bags. It's not like I was going on a trip, I'm relocating. I've been living on my own for 5 years (geeze, I'm old!). Some people leave stuff they don't need but don't want to throw away with their parents. I don't have that option. My mum and my brother are about to sell our house and my mum lives in a tiny 3-room flat with her husband. Even if they lived close enough to bring some of my things there (which they don't - it's not a lot closer than where I'm moving), they physically don't have space. It's just a tiny bit frustrating. And it's making me reconsider staying with my boyfriend's parents. If I'm going to have to listen to criticism from someone who in their 50's still has stuff at their parents' place and hasn't moved even half as much as I have in my 20's, then I'd prefer to pay that 50€ more and get a place with roommates. I don't know if I'm just stressed because of moving and stuff or if it's really bothering me a lot. I guess I am sort of worried about moving in with my "parents in law". I will be paying a rather reasonable rent (maybe about €10 - €20 less than what I would be paying for a room in a shared flat in a similar location) and so far I've gotten along with them very well, but... uh. My parents pretty much let us do what we wanted and didn't meddle in our lives except when it was really necessary. They would never have told me what my room has to look like or that I have too much stuff or whatever.
I remember once when I was 18ish, I was about to leave the house when my mum came home from work and she asked me where I was going. It wasn't a secret and I wouldn't have minded her knowing as such, but I didn't feel like explaining to her so I told her that it was my business and she didn't need to know. Her answer "You're actually right, I really don't. Have fun!" (Can I just say that I love my mum? She's an awesome person!). That + me having moved out of home at 19 isn't going to make living with the in laws easy *sigh* I hope I'm doing the right thing here.

I'm having my goodbye-party tonight. We're going to a friend's for bbq and after that I invited a bunch of people over to our place I'm always nervous about hosting parties, because I'm scared no one will show up or it will be totally lame But leaving without a goodbye party seemed weird even to me.
I'll be back here in November for some days, for our anniversary and some workshop my prof is hosting that I'm supposed to make coffee at (the joys of being a TA), but I don't plan on actually moving back. I have about a semester worth of classes left and then I could theoretically start my MA thesis. In can do that without actually having to live here. My boyfriend's staying here until February and then he's joining me in Poland and we're finally closing the distance permanently

I've also had my last dentist appointment yesterday and we went to the zoo afterwards as a reward for me for being so brave I had iced cofee and spilt it all over myself because my mouth was still half anesthetized and I had a goat attack me for carrots. In short: we had a great time.

I'd better get back to packing the rest of my things now. I'm also planning to make a cake for tonight and I have about 3,5 hours (and we still need to go shopping) before we need to be at the bbq. Aaaaahhhhh...!!