We left our city in Germany on Wednesday night and arrived Thursday afternoon after about 22 hours in the bus. It was raining and cold and the city looked even greyer than normally. If that is at all possible. Warsaw is not 50 but about 150 shades of grey.
We went to a concert/party (these guys, in case anyone cares) later that night with some of my boyfriend's friends, which was nice. But damn it was cold. And wet.

Today looks a bit better. We slept in and then went to the city because I still needed to buy some things and shoes! I really didn't have any that go well with wet, coldish weather. We do get that where I lived in Germany, but not enough for me to give up cute shoes for it (that said, I bought these and they still are relatively pretty, considering.)
I also got a loyalty card from coffee heaven (which is the central European answer to Starbucks, except a million times better) and put down my new adress when I filled out the form
We're leaving for our trip to Ukraine on Monday and we're leaving all the adminstrational things like registering, getting a phone plan, opening a bank account, signing up for driving lessons (yes!!!) and so on for when we get back. For now my boyfriend is cleaning out his room to make space for my things. I'm sort of happy I can finally call him out on him being sort of an ass about me having too much stuff I knew he had a lot more clutter than I did. I've moved house eight times in the past nine years. There's only so much stuff you can take or treasure up.... He has been living in the same room in the same place since he was like 6. So obviously there's masses of old clutter.

Apart from that: I really enjoy living in a proper city again. I'm definitely a city person and I've never really felt perfectly well in the place where I lived in Germany. It wasn't that I didn't like the city. There was nothing wrong with it objectively. It just didn't have that city-feel about it (even though it was supposed to be ~200,000 ppl).

The sad news: After we come back from Ukraine, my boyfriend's going to stay with me for about two more weeks. So in one month we're going to be LDR again