and here's why.
Today was the first day of classes at my 'new' university. 'New' because I already studied here for a semester three years ago on another exchange.
The day started with a fight with their registration software, which unfortunately at this point is not over yet.
But let's get to the topic.
My first lecture was about the Polish language abroad. Which is basicaly what I wrote my BA thesis about. The lecturer asked if anyone had any special interest in that topic or if everyone just signed up because they had to. No one said anything. Well neither did I but you know... anyway. It was super interesting. So that was neat.
After that I had Polish language class. We did a test and the teacher said that I might be able to change to a more advanced group. Now the thing is: Theoretically for short term/exchange international students this *is* the highest level. There are higher level groups but they're for regular international students (doing their whole degree at that uni). She teaches one of the more advanced groups, though so she can make exceptions and move someone to her other group. She was going to see what the language level in her other group is like and let me know on Thursday.

And then I got home (we also had my our friend from Germany/China over and my boyfriend's parents made huge fuss about him) and checked the campus software of my home university to find out that I have a 1,0 (straight A, best grade) in a term paper I wrote on Dostoyevski's Dream of a Ridiculous Man. Russian is only my minor and I swear I don't even speak Russian or know anything about Russian literature. So I thought that the prof was just being nice. She's really young and we were her last class at uni. She's going into High School education. The system lets me see the grade overview though and it turns out there's only one 1,0 and the average is 2,5.
For some reason it makes me feel like a total scam. I mean I didn't cheat writing that paper. But... I don't feel like I put enough effort into it to warrant a 1,0 either.

And that's what made me feel like a total geek today.

I also bought a buss pass (after some difficulties with Polish technology) and then forgot to activate it - thus ended up fare-dodging unintentionally. Luckily no one checked tickets.

Our trip to Ukraine was AMAZING! We saw so many cool things and had a lot of fun.

Living with the in-laws is going well so far. Right now it's a bit tight since we're four people living in a two-room flat, but (as much as I hate going back to LD) I expect it to be a bit easier once my boyfriend leaves *sigh*