As a little follow up to me last blog about the registration process in PL:
I met my friend today, who has also moved back to Poland now and lived with me back when I first got registered. And apparently they send her to the other city to personally pick up that paper It looks like she talked to the same lady, had the same situation... and yet they didn't make me travel through half of the country to pick up a worthless piece of paper.

What else is happening?
We're down to seven days until my boyfriend's visit. He's coming on Wednesday (duh) and staying til Sunday. Thursday (not tomorrow, next week obviously) is Dzien Wszystkich Swietych//All Saint's Day, which is huge in Poland. People visit the cementary/-ies where they have family and put up candles. The big cemeteries look so beautiful and romantic (Link - see!) but man... there are CROWDS and it has really become some sort of fair where they sell not only candles and flowers but also choclate, popcorn and all kinds of other candy.
My boyfriend doesn't have close family on any of the big central cemeteries, though. Most importantly: He'll be here!!!

We booked our trip over New Year's Eve. We're going to Zakopane probably with a couple of friends. We're not so sure about them, because they're still in the process of figuring out the whens and whos and deposits and all that. There's like 15 of them, so it might take a while. We hope it works out for them, but in the end we're going anyway. We already have a room and bus tickets booked.
It's quite a popular destination in Poland and I've never been there, so I'm excited. Also because I don't ski and there will be enough other things to do for me. More than reading in a hotel room with a view (which would be ok as well, but this is even better).

I'm also set on taking the theory lessons for my license either this weekend or the 2nd weekend in November. My friend was kinda sorta maybe planning to visit this weekend, but if he doesn't I'll go through with the theory lessons. It will be Saturday and Sunday from 9am - 5pm, but after that I could already take practical lessons. I need 30, but I'll probably take more than that. There are going to be some changes in the egzamination process, so if I finish the whole course and take the exam in January already, it will be much easier. The theoretical test is 18 out of 450 possible questions now, from feb 2013 it will 32 out of 3000 possible ones. Ouch.
But the important news here: I'm going to learn how to drive! Finally! I don't plan on getting a car anytime soon, but knowing how to drive is still a useful skill and I would have to do it sooner or later anyway.

I tidied my (boyfriend's) room today and done not much else apart from that. I feel depressed/sad and hope that it's PMS (the numbers fit) and not me genuinely being unhappy with how things are. I might just go shopping and be nice to myself on Friday or have a nice lunch tomorrow inbetween classes.