So I'm at my new place already. People, I have an apartment! For the first time in my life I have a whole apartment all for myself.
Ok, that's not entirely true. For like half a year in 2011 I had my dorm apartment for myself. But someone could have moved in there any minute, so it wasn't like it was really mine for myself. But now it's really ALL MINE until my boyfriend comes back at the end of February. But I don't mind sharing with him
I have a little hall, a bathroom (without a sink you have to wash your hands and teeth over the bathtub/shower-thing. But it's one thing less to clean, right?!), a relatively big kitchen and a room. I should take pictures, but it's really all in a very moving in phase still and doesn't look that pretty yet. The place has come a long way from when I first saw it though. I painted the walls and cleaned. I've never cleaned so much in my whole life. Whoever lived here before me was dis-gus-ting! I'm not a neat freak by any means, but that was gross. I don't care so much what people live like. You want to live in filth? Fine by me, I don't have to visit if it's too bad. But you should leave the place in an acceptable state when you move out - ugh.
Well anyway. Things look a lot better already. I just need to go do some shopping now. I think I'll at least go for tea and some basic things in a second. I don't know if I'm already sleeping here tonight, but definitely tomorrow. I'm really really looking forward to having my privacy back. It's such a good feeling. My boyfriend's mum has been helping me a lot, which is super nice. I think she's not-so-secretly happy that I'm moving out.

I also got a package from my mum today she sent me a new thermometer (that I ordered to her place, because it wasn't availabe in PL). It has SpongeBob on it (Link!) I really wanted the pink one, but they sent the blue one. Which is alright, too. She also sent a bag of mint-chocolate candy, pig napkins and a little plush pig.
I have an exam tonight and I'm not prepared at all. I literally zero revising. But it's Polish language so I should be fine. I hope.

Things between my and my boyfriend have been good. He sent me a letter and I think he's really actually looking forward to moving in with me. Sometimes I have these moments where I wonder if maybe I would have been better off finding someone older than me. Not that I'm particularly mature (I'm not in any way), but for the independence. I'm not independent-independent technically. I have a loan/scholarship that depends on my parents' income - only that they don't have much of that, so I'm state funded. But