I moved into my new place the day before yesterday. And for the first time in my life I have a whole apartment for myself
It's a little weird, really. But I could definitely get used to it. The only way it would be better is if I shared with my boyfriend (30 or 31 days left until he comes back!).
Two of my friends stayed with me last night, so I didn't feel alone. Well actually because they worked late and live at other ends of the city so they would have had to take a nightbus which takes ages and so they decided the could as well stay. We ordered pizza. I mean it's not like we'd just had pizza two days ago or anything.
We're meeting again tonight for beer
I was supposed to have driving lessons today, but I don't so I guess I'm going to go and buy glasses (the kind you drink from) and some nice things for my place. I think I might get some photos of me and my boyfriend printed out and put them up. I haven't printed any photos of us in aaages.

My boyfriend found out today that only two people applied for the Master's degree in his specialisation. They offered him to chose another one once the application process is finished. He did Railway logistics in his undergrad and he really wants to continue the railway-stuff. He doesn't want to change to other logistics or whatever they have. So they sort of made the decision for us to go back to Germany later this year. There's a uni in Germany that offers a Master's degree in railway systems engineering. And it's in a beaaaauuutiful, rather cheap city. Near the Czech border. I'm fine with that. Although I'd rather not have to move again in half a year *sigh*

This was going to be random ramblings. So I'm going to tell you how last weekend the priest walked in on me parading the house in underwear. I had come back from cleaning my apartment (and futilely waiting for someone to take away the bed) and was about to nap. I usually lock the door when I'm at home, but for some stupid reason I forgot. Probably because I was pissed because of the furniture guy. Aaanyway, so I lay down and I hear the doorbell. I had seen the announcement in the door that said that the priest was about the visit that day.
[Short cultural info: It's a Polish tradition that after Christmas the priest, sometimes with ministrants, comes to people's homes to bless them or something. You pay a small fee make a donation to the church in return.]
I had also seen him outside when I walked from the bus stop. So anyway. I knew it was probably the priest and seeing as I'm not Catholic, I have no idea what the process is like, nothing was prepared (apparently you need to have this ready. Why doesn't he come with his own equipment anyway?!) and I was home alone I decided I wouldn't open. So he proceeded to ring unit 2, who let him in. I went to the fish eye to see if it was really the priest. Which turned out to be a huge mistake, because he probably heard that someone was at home.
...and then without a warning he opened the effing door!
I was so shocked that I didn't really know what to say and the conversation went like that
"Oh, SORRY!"
".errr... do you usually accept the visits?"
"Um.. yes I guess. But I was just about to nap and..."
"Oh, then I'll stop by later on my way back!"
"Err.. well I'm kind of alone now and nothing's prepared... and um... maybe we can wait for someone else to get home?"
"We can only pray then! I'll stop by later!"
"uuuuhh..... Thank you?"
And then I closed the door. Mortified.
I guess I didn't do a very good job at explaining myself. But WTF?! You don't just waltz into people's homes. Even if you're 5 effing priests! And then if you do it anyway and you realise there's someone scarcely dressed, you apologise and close the door? And then there's all these rules you have to pay attention to when speaking to a priest. You don't just say Hello or Good [morning/day/whatever] to them, but you have to use some special terms and I don't know them, because...well... I don't talk to priests on a regular basis.
Btw: I went to sleep and *if* he tried again later, I didn't hear because I was already asleep.

It has been snowing A LOT the past days. I'm starting to wonder how much snow there is? Is the sky ever running out of it? Everything is either slippery or feels like walking on a beach with a lot of sand. It was nice, but it's enough now and can stop. It's also supposed to be -17°C tonight and tomorrow TOO COLD!

On an other unrelated note: I think my neighbours' wireless is "Fuck the work". And they speak Russian.