I had started a blog post writing about last night's party. But it got long and boring, so I gave up.
It was basically about how I always feel like a bit of an outsider with my boyfriend's friends. They're nice and I guess they like me well enough, but I'm the only foreigner. The only one from another culture and even though the cultural divide between Germany and Poland might not be huge, it's definitely there. This country is so homogenous that I'm considered an exotic foreigner.
Most of the time I think it just makes things more interesting and I'm fine with it. But sometimes it makes me feel so out of place. I had a great time alltogether, though. There's probably worse roles than the weird hippie foreigner, who thinks having children out of wedlock is perfectly fine.
There were also only couples. The only ones without a couple were me and my boyfriend's handsome-but-forever-single friend (who knows what's up with him. My boyfriend keeps telling that already back in HS girls would befriend him to get that guy's number!) A. And they're always discussing all those super serious grown up things. Buying apartments, organizing weddings, children, and uuh LAME! Not that all those are lame topics as such. But hey, this is a party. Let's dance, get drunk and do stupid things NOT discuss lame real estate loans, ok?
I've just talked to my boyfriend and it felt so good to hear that he agrees that (some of!) his friends are becoming lame. I mean seriously our parents make for more interesting conversation sometimes. But then we both have pretty cool parents.

I think I might have left A. in the wrong bus, which might have resulted in him ending up in the complete opposite side of the city than where he lives. We went home together, because we live in the same general direction roughly. I had to take one nightbus and then another. I told him to get off the bus with me (there was also a subway station and he can use the one subway line we have to get relatively near to home) but he was convinced that it would be better for him to stay and get off somewhere else. He was pretty drunk and I guess I could have insisted more. But I'm not going to argue with him in a bus at 3 in the morning. Plus he's a local and I'm only the stupid exchange student. I do feel a bit bad about it, though I hope he got home and doesn't hate me now. I might have to make it up in alcohol units in the future.

My boyfriend's internet has been down since... Tuesday I think. It sucks. I can call his phone through skype but seeing as I only have crappy slow mobile internet as well, the quality is terrible. I can hear him quite well, but he usually can't make out about half of what I say. It's exhausting and annoying. They might do something about it on Tuesday, though. And maybe it's a good thing. He has his exam on Saturday and he needs to pass so he can go to uni in Germany, so maybe not having internet is helping him study.

I also narrowed my choice of hairdressers down to two. I think I'm going to one place tomorrow and make an appointment. My hair is long (like almost down to my butt) and I'm getting bored of it and I want change. Moderate change, but change. I haven't had anything apart from cutting off split ends in years. Let's see how it turns out.

I booked a weekend getaway for us in March today as a surprise for my boyfriend. To a cute small city/town about 2,5 hours by train from here. I was there for a few days in 2008 (god I can't believe it's that long ago. I'm freaking OLD) and I've been wanting to go back for some time.
I had my eyes on this hotel first because it looks pretty cool, but then I decided that it's cool, but not cool enough to justify the price. And I went for this instead. I told him I have a surprise for that weekend and we're going away somewhere.
We're taking the train (because it's suuuper cheap and I can't rent a car anyway) and I would sort of like to keep the destination a secret until we arrive, but I don't know how to do that. I can't really blindfold him in public :-/
Any ideas?