I don't know if it's PMS (it's embarrassing and I don't want to use it as an excuse but it can really make me one irritate bitch ) or if I'm legitly pissed off...
but I'm seriously disappointed with how this place looks like and how my boyfriend takes care of (my but not only) things. Especially because about a month ago we had the discussion about moving in together, where he said he didn't know if he could because of my "messiness". Well, look who's talking?
I should maybe be more forgiving, just because someone said or did something wrong like a hundred years ago, doesn't mean he's still wrong now. I know it's something I 'learnt' from my mum (who still holds it against her sister that she stole her a dress in like 1975 ), but I don't forgive easily and my boyfriend knew about it.
I also don't take it lightly if someone critisizes me without doing it better themselves. I know I'm not a model housekeeper and I've never thrived to be, but all things considered, I do an ok job. Even with exams and slobby roommates, my apartment usually looked presentable.
I know it's silly, but we needed the can opener today. We couldn't find it, my boyfriend asked his roommate if he had seen it or kept it in his room (no), we looked some more but it didn't turn up.
I've had that can opener for like two years and through various roommates and it somehow never got lost. Yet my boyfriend manages to lose it in 4 months after I move out. It's not his fault of course, nothing ever is, he never used it so it must have been his roommate.
It's not about the stupid can opener (although it was nice and not the cheapest and I bought it from my money), but I feel this is such a symbol for what's happening here.
The oven looks disgusting. Seriously so gross, that I'm not sure I want him to take it to Poland, because I don't know if I want to use it. Well, again it's not him of course, it's his roommate.
GOD, give this guy a good talking to and if he refuses to clean up after himself, tell him not to use your stuff. Easy.

It's all things that are pretty normal for bachelor guys his age. I've actually seen FAR worse and I probably shouldn't be surprised. But this is the guy that told me that he doesn't know if he can live with me because I don't mind things on the floor and I don't make the bed. That very same guy has a gross bathroom, a huge mess in the kitchen and didn't clean the oven ONCE in four months. I'm not at all surprised the can opener got lost in the mess they have in the kitchen.

On top of all that I've had to pay for literally everything since I arrived because he doesn't take care of his money and has 8€ left in his account.

I don't know. Everything might not be so bad, but I guess I'm disappointed because I thought my boyfriend was more grown up. And he's offended that I'm pissed of and complaining all the time This is not what a visit is supposed to look like.