I talked (ok, had a fb conversation) to my brother today. It's metionable, because my brother doesn't talk a lot. Even though we love each other a lot, we're so different, we don't really have so much to talk about. That combined with the fact that he's a typical Northener (there's no denying my family's Scandinavian hertiage), means that we mainly have super short factual conversations.
Well I have a new computer. That I need to turn in for repair or exchange, because the u-key doesn't work properly, but that's not what I was going to talk about. I have a new computer and my brother is in IT and my go-to person for anything computery and I asked him to sned me Office And that's why we started talking.
You need a little backstory now and I'll make it as brief as possible:
Our parents got divorced almost 10 years ago, when we were 14/15ish and our dad has been majorly fucking up his life since then. We haven't had contact with him in about four years. He just sort of stopped trying to contact us or that's what I think what happened. It's all really sort of complicated, because he leads a very -um- unconventional lifestyle.
For my birthday in May he sent me an e-mail (the first one since 2008) and (I knew that from our mum already) he sent one to my brother about a week ago. I didn't answer then - I didn't know what or how and my brother hasn't answered either.
We talked about it. It's a complicated situation, we don't really know whether we want any contact but at the same time feel that if we don't try then we might regret it. We both feel a bit sorry for him and a bit angry. I don't know if that's good ground for contact.

I had the idea that we make a new e-mail account and reply something together. I have yet to think about how and what and what kind of contact we want, though.

It was good to talk about it. It's hard for us sometimes, because it's something that's apparently hard to understand. We don't hate our dad. Nothing really "happened" that made us cut contact. It's just, well, complicated. My brother is such a great person. He's so sensible and smart and down to earth and uncomplicated. Things have been going really well for him lately and he seems to have found his place. I wish I lived closer and could spend time with him more often.

We (my boyfriend and I) might visit my family for Easter. We don't know yet, because planes and trains are expensive and the bus isn't cheap either and takes a lot of time that my boyfriend my not have, if/when he finds a job.

A blog post (almost) completely unrelated to being long distance :-O