Today was the first day of spring semester. I had a lecture on literature that we didn't do anything at, because out of 15ish people on the list 5 showed up. Then I met up with the lecturer later, because I want to take a Polish class with her and she has Polish classes as individual meetings. She gave me two books to read and we're meeting again, when I'm finished or want to ask or talk about something. We also had a super long, super nice chat.
I absolutely love that woman. She agreed that things in this country haven't exactly gone upwards lately and terrible things are happening. I mentioned something about it a while back in the "What's on your mind" thread and going into it in detail would probably be boring to you and infuriating to me. But there's an awful lot of hate going on and it's worrying. Aaanyway, she's a great teacher and I enjoyed talking to her a lot. And I think I'll like the books she assigned me.

What I really wanted to write about: I went shopping today and it was really successful.
I don't really wear trouser. I usually wear skirts and dresses only and occasionally shorts in summer, when we're hiking or my love makes me go on a bike tour.
And today I bought two pairs. Old pink corduroy ones, that I'm not so sure about, but they were 2€ so I was like what the hell.This is the other pair. I think I might wear them with ballet flats or pumps when it gets a bit warmer here. Which *looks at snow outside* is probably never, but a girl can dream, right? I'm starting to forget what this city looks like without snow. And while I love winter, I'm ready for it to be spring. It should be a bit better in about a month already. But then I've seen snow here in the middle of March, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
I also bought a pair of black biker boots, that was on sale for about 12€. I've been wanting to have flat boots for some time now. I think I've definitely been watching too much Pretty Little Liars. That show is stupid. But they give good fashion inspiration
And (another) black turtleneck to wear under dresses and shirts and a brown-pink striped sweater. Everything was on sale, too so I spent about 25€ all together.

I took photos of the boots but my phone takes crappy pics, when there's not enough light.

My boyfriend will be here SUNDAY NIGHT! And he's here to stay. And right now -I'm still waiting for the answer of one of my profs in Germany- it looks like I can take all the classes I need here. If everything works out, after this semester, all I have left is my MA thesis. (I feel like not-so-long ago I was complaining about my BA thesis here. Time!!!) Which means that I don't have to move back to my university city and we can stay close distance when we go back to Germany in September.

In other news: my friend/ex-roommate/"sister" is getting married in November. It's theoretically the 2nd time she gets married, but the first time she only had a courthouse wedding and the marriage lasted less than a year. This time she's doing the church and huge party deal. I really, really hope we can make it despite of the distance. She's Ukraine. We probably have to take a train to Poland and then take an overnight train to Lviv. I have no idea how much that costs. But knowing so far in advance I'm sure we figure something out.
I'm super happy for her. She deserves all the happiness in the world and I hope this time it works out for her.
I don't really understand her getting married so fast. She and her fiance have been together for a year now which I think is not nearly long enough to make serious wedding plans. But it's not up to me. Plus it's definitely a culture thing. People in UA tend to get married young (and fast!). I remember when she was about to get divorced she told me that she wasn't sure about it, because she'd be "24 and unmaried!!" and I was like... Yes? In what world is that even a problem? Ok hey, I know the answer. In a world (not even) 400km east of here... :-/

Wow this turned out really long. Time to skype with the <3