My boyfriend's at church with his grandparents and they're probably going for a walk or something afterwards, so I have an hour or two to myself.
It'll be a week tonight since we re-closed the distance and it's amazing. Friday night we made Sushi for the parents and grandparents not-yet-in-law and apparently everyone enjoyed themselves and liked our appartment. Yay.
I've been somewhat looking for jobs. I'm giving private German lessons which pays quite well, but so far it's only two hours a week. I had a job interview on Monday, but they were going to pay me €4 - 4.50/h and sorry, but no. You can find someone else to work for that. I have an interview at a language school next week, though, so we'll see how that goes.
I might also be translating at a trade show for a few days in April. So things look quite good right now.

Last night we went to a pub with a few of my boyfriend's friends. It was pretty good and we could actually walk there from our new place (YAY!). I know I've sort of vented about about my boyfriend's best friend before and I don't even dislike him or whatever, but he and his fiancee are. (Let's call them P -friend and A fiancee).. well... ok where do we start? I sense this is going to be long and possibly boring (don't say I didn't warn you!)
A's uncle has some super high position in the biggest railway company in this country. My boyfriend has a first degree in railway logistics. so he asked P whether they could ask said uncle if they have any openings and... well you know how it works, contacts and everything. So last night they came to the party straight from dinner with that very uncle. They came later than everyone else and right when they came in they were all serious and like "we need to talk with [my boyfriend] - in private." And then they told him that there was nothing they could do and all they might be able to help with is an unpaid internship. Which obviously, my boyfriend doesn't want.
It's fine. I mean, I'm pretty sure he'll find a job anyway. He didn't expect anything from them and he's absolutely not going to hold it against them or whatever. It's ok. P went all in depth about explaining that it wasn't that easy and that it took them four months to get A a job. (And that's with P's parents having high positions in the government department that A got the job with)
And here's what I was going to vent about:
Later that night A and I talked and she asked me about four times (I'm not exaggerating here!), whether it wouldn't be easier for us in Poland.
And I was like... no. I love Poland. It's a beautiful country. I love the people. Hell, I'm getting a Master's degree in freaking Polish studies. My boyfriend is much more connected to his city and country than I am to mine. I really wish it were easier for us to stay here, but...
This is a country in which they offered me a full time position (40h/week) for ~600€, when I made almost that much working 15h/week in Germany. A country where they offer my boyfriend who has a university degree in engineering, which is supposedly in demand, an unpaid internship.
Where we pay more for our apartment than we would pay in (east) Germany. Where state healthcare is almost non existent ("no free appointments today? Oh, it's urgent? Yes, you can come and if the doctor sees that it's bad, they might take you on. But you might have to wait a couple of hours" - with a fever, when I was barely able to leave my bed?! Not so much).
There's always the cost of living argument, but it really is not valid at all. Some things are cheaper in Poland, yes. Like getting my driver's license and going out. But they're not as much cheaper as the wages are lower. Not even close.
To get back on the topic: I explained all of that to A. And then after about 5min she asks again!!! Wouldn't it be easier for us in Poland, because in Germany my boyfriend will always be a foreigner and they might not take him seriously or let him advance because of it. Are you kidding me? Every other person in Germany is a foreigner (well... maybe not, but you get it), we could care less about that. Plus one of us will always be a "foreigner", because we're international, that's how it is. The worst thing: She wouldn't believe me. Someone who has never been abroad longer than two weeks (and that was on some touristy Greek island!), believes they know about the situation in my country better than me?! Maaan!
When we got home my boyfriend told me that P told him that A's job (that they needed four months and lots of good connections to get her!) actually pays less than 600€. Well, I'm sorry, if you consider that a success, good for you. I don't.
Oh well. I swear I don't hate them or anything. They're nice people generally. They just seem to live in a completely different world or something. And maybe it's ok for them to earn little, because they got an apartment and a car as parents from their parents. But if you have to actually like spend your money, then not so much.