I haven't blogged since we've closed the distance and we've been living together (again!) for almost two weeks! It's wonderful.
Ok, it's also sort of stressful, because we have not even 30mē (I think about 95sq ft, does that sound ok?) and... well... that's not a lot. We also have somewhat different ideas on decoration and stuff, but they're minor things.
I'm happy to have him back and I'm also looking forward to us moving back to Germany later this year. Yeah, we have nothing better to do than move from one country to another...
At the moment he's job hunting and I hope he'll be successful soon. This country is sort of f*cked up when it comes to wages. Remember the job interview I wrote about in my last (?) blog? Well, they offered me a full time position (which I can't take anyway) for €4 - 4.5/h BEFORE taxes. If it was an interesting job and something that would look good on my CV, I might be ok with it, but it wasn't.
I have a phone interview with another company tomorrow morning.
Why am I writing about me looking for jobs, when I started with my boyfriend job hunting? He went to a job fair at his uni today and apparently a lot of companies were interested in him He had been sort of down before, because he sent out a lot of applications on Monday so far no one has answered him. I know it's not a lot of time and I told him as much, but I also understand him. But yeah, today looks better already. He would be ok making little money, as long as it was a job connected to his field.

We're having our house-warming party on Saturday! It looks like there'll be less people than we hoped for (no one likes us *sniff*), but then it looked like that for my birthday too and in the end there were soo many people. There's hope.

Next weekend we're going on the surprise trip I planned. I bought the train tickets yesterday! My boyfriend still has no idea where we're going. On Thursday before the trip, we're going to see a play at a theatre that's conveniently located in our street. Have I mentioned how much I love living where we live? The apartment itself might not be very luxurious but we can walk almost everywhere and if we can't walk somewhere, we have trams every few minutes. It's wonderful. Anyway the play is some sort of thesis (is that what you call it in art school as well?!) and apparently it's all modern and weird and the theatre has less than 60 seats We probably wouldn't have gone, but it's literally a three minute walk and the tickets were €5 for students. We're being hipsters!

More shopping news, because I feel slightly guilty:
I bought this bag a few days ago and today I found this and it was love at first sight and I bought it (And I also have to pay for our hotel...) Oh well, yolo and all that, right? I shouldn't be so guilty about spending money that I have... I just like having savings I guess. Which is also useless because I have to re-apply for my social scholarship in May or June and I can't have more than a certain amount then anyway and right now I'm over it.
They had a green one as well (see here) but they're out of stock.

I need to sign up for the theory test for my driver's license. But I'm scared I'll fail and as long as I don't take the test, I can't fail, so I don't want to sign up. I haven't even picked up the paper that I had all the necessary lessons. I'm going to do that next week. That seems like a good start.

My computer should also be fixed either tomorrow or on Monday! Finally. It'll be three weeks on Sunday. How long does it take to fix a freaking "U" key??

I also wanted to mention that this country is sometimes driving me nuts. After having lived here on and off for 5,5 years and having a Bachelor's degree in Polish studies... I sill can't get over the fact that my views, that I would consider moderately leftist at home are really extreme far left wing here. A discussion about political correctness in my contemporary Polish class today, made me feel really weird *sigh*