The love is playing Civilisation with his friends tonight so I have time to blog
Things have become better. My boyfriend's found ... an unpaid internship. Well, they pay about 20€/month to cover transportation. They said they were going to employ him after three months, so we'll see about that. It's definitely better than him sitting around at home with nothing to do, though. I have started giving private German lesson, which pays quite well and I hadn't taught in so long I had forgotten how much I actually enjoy it. Maybe I should consider teaching as a career option after all.

We went to Torun for the weekend and it was amazing. The weather was geat - cold but super sunny and the city is absolutely beautiful. I had already been there 5 years ago and it was even prettier now than I had remembered. Plus travelling with my boyfriend is so much more fun.

See for yourself:
(I'd post more photos of us or only the city, but my boyfriend takes photos, so I'm in most of them)

Castle ruins:

We look so weird in this one

My boyfriend ordered this set of 4 x 0.125ml beers

The sign says "Path of Love" We obviously needed to take a photo with it!