Too much on my mind for the what's on your mind thread, so here comes a blog.

I got up early with my boyfriend this morning and I ironed his shirts, did the dishes and prepared my German lessons. Yay!
Then I just checked my bank account and was happy to see that I already got the April money. I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow or even Friday. Getting money is always nice.

I got my computer back on Monday! Who knows what they did with it durng five weeks. I got it back with an American keyboard and initially I was furious. I'm still sort of unhappy about it. I bought my new computer in Germany, so I'd have a German keyboard and when I turned it in for repair I specifically stated that if they have to exchange the keyboard, that they'd put in a German one. Well after I didn't hear from them for a month, they asked me if I was ok with an American one. They could order a German keyboard, but it would take another month. So because my old computer is dying, I accepted I'm going to try to get it changed back to a German one when we get back to Germany.
I'm loving my new computer, though. I had forgotten how nice it was to have a computer that's actually working and doesn't take ages to even open thunderbird. Now I have no more reason to put of starting research for my papers this semester. I want to finish the first one in April!

We started our dance lessons! The classes had started three weeks ago, but my boyfriend didn't want to go before he found a job and everything, so we went for the first time on Monday. I used to dance when I was 15ish, but haven't since then and I love ballroom dances. Especially now, that for the first time ever, I have a partner who's not a lot taller than me, which makes it more comfortable and better looking
We're also going to (finally) join the gym. There's another April goal.

I hope the weather will finally change. Although when I last checked it looked like it won't be over +5°C for the next two weeks. Right now even +5°C seems pretty neat, but I can't wait for it to get warm. Like really warm. I feel cold constantly lately.
Speaking about cold: We went to see a football match last night. Neither of us is very interested in it, but the tickets were only about 11€ and we had been meaning to see the new stadion anyway. And damn it was COLD. After the first half I couldn't really feel my toes anymore and I was wearing two pantyhose and socks! Even some of the players were wearing gloves.

Sunday was Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter, duh) and we went to this place where they had a contest for the tallest/most beautiful Palm. (here's a link!). Because this is Poland and as I just whined to you, it's feeeezing, their "palms" look like this.. Except the ones in the contest were of course a lot bigger and more colourful. We bought a "palm" in the shape of a chicken (or rooster, who knows?) with a pink beak and ridge.
I have Thursday - Tuesday off, which is nice and I'll try to fit in a skype date with my mum, brother and/or grandparents somewhere in there.

I think I should get ready for class now, so I can go to print out German class materials before class and maybe manage to actually read them. And I've probably bored you enough already. I'll probably bore you some more about Polish Easter in the next few days, though. This is already the third time that I'm spending Easter with my boyfriend('s family). I wanted us to visit my family this year, but between flights being expensive and my boyfriend not knowing his job situation, it didn't work out. Maybe next year.