This is probably going to be a rant (and a worry-issue, way too typical for me) and I'm sorry, but I want to share and maybe get some insight.
I'll start with saying that we had a lovely day today. We bought hiking boots and backpacks yesterday. I haven't had a backpack since 5th grade probably, but sling bags just aren't very practical for hikes. Today we went to a nearby national park to inaugurate our new equipment. We saw moose poop (unfortunately no moose *sas face*) and some January Uprising (PL has so many uprisings, most of them complete failures, that I can't even keep them apart and I'm getting a Master's in Polish studies - ooops) anniversary festivities. When we got home we ordered pizza and watched "Shelter" (weird!). Perfect day!

And now for something completely different* - the rant.
My boyfriend's best friend is getting married in August. My boyfriend's his best man/witness. All the friend (we'll call him C) and his fiancee (A) talk about is their wedding. All the damn time. For about a year already. There's no other topic for them. We were planning to go on a long-weekend trip with them in May and they cancelled on us, because they need to buy wedding rings. Everything is about their wedding. Ok, I get that it's a huge event and that it's important to them and everything. And I can do some wedding talk, I even think it's interesting to some extend, which they've passed a long time ago. Anyway, that's not even what I wanted to write about, even though it's totally boring us and we don't really enjoy meeting up with them anymore, because limos and invitations and menus are just not that very interesting to us.
We went over to them on Friday night. They had invited us and another couple (another close friend of my boyfriend's and his girlfriend) to give them their invitations. It wasn't very exciting. So me and my boyfriend decided to go out on Saturday night, to not be lame As usual we sent everyone texts or fb (facebook!) messages, so they'd know and could come along. We ended up just going with a friend of mine from uni.
Tonight C. and my boyfriend talked on the phone and C. mentioned that last night they were at Es house warming party.
E is A's really close friend. My boyfriend and I know her, but not very well. We wouldn't have expected to be invited and we're not the type of obnoxious people who invite themselves to parties. We really don't mind not being invited. What bothers my boyfriend (and me... but to a lesser extend, because they're his friends really) is that no one told us. My boyfriend asked C. if he'd like to go some place with us Saturday night and he was like "NO, we're busy." Turns out, that another friend, R, who we can usually count on, to go out with us, went to the house warming party as well. My boyfriend texted him and instead of being like "Sorry, I'm already invited somewhere else." he was just like "this time not". I even remember talking about E. on Friday night. She has been moving into her new place for like two years already. So A. mentioned something about E's new apartment and I asked "So she's finally living there now?" "Yes." No mention of the party. I wouldn't care if the topic of E or Saturday night just wouldn't have come up, but I feel there were planty of occasions, where it would have been more normal and natural to mention it and they kept it from us.
I don't know. I feel like it's teenage drama and we're too old for stupid things like that... but I still feel that it's not fair. We always try to include and invite everyone. We wouldn't have felt excluded if we just hadn't been invited. We didn't invite E to our house warming party. I probably talked to her three times. It feels stupid that they keep it from us and then tell us afterwards.

The other thing I wanted to write about is related to my job. I started on Tuesday and I really like it so far. I have super nice co workers and I like what I do. I don't make as much as I'd like to, but it's ok and I'm getting experience for the future. The thing is, they want me to stay there in the long run. In the job interview they asked me if I was planning to stay here and I said that generally yes, although it depends of course on the job situation. The truth is my boyfriend is got into uni in Germany for the Master's degree that he wants and that, even if he wanted, he couldn't get here. I don't want to go back to being long distance. Plus for it to make sense for me to work full time, they'd have to pay me... A LOT. I have a scholarship, that everything I earn more then €400/month gets taken off of. So I'd have to make more than €400+scholarship in order not to work for free. I doubt they'd pay me that much. This *is* Poland after all. I don't want to burn any bridges, though. Oh well, I still have four or five months, to figure it out. Should be enough time, right?