I'm at work right now and I'm slightly mad about it, so as a form of protest because I have literally nothing to do and they wouldn't let me come in and leave earlier I'll blog.
Things are good in Dziubka-land. We have two holidays this week - May 1st (labour day) and 3rd. In Poland people like to believe that on Maz 3rd they're celebrating constitution day, which is of course wrong and better informed circles know that in reality all the parades and Polish flags are to celebrate my birthday, not some random consitution from 1791 that was in effect for only a little over a year. I mean I live longer than that. I feel sort of weird about my birthday. I'm officially as close to 30 as I am to 20. I always sort of thought I'd be done with uni and sort of more grown up by that time.
My boyfriend and probably almost everyone else took/got today off as well, because like what's the point in coming to work for one day between two holidays?
Anyway, so seeing as we have both have tomorrow off and therefore a long weekend, we're going on a trip to the Świętokrzyskie mountains, to a cave and castle ruins. I come from a really flat part of my country and I've only been in caves like two or maybe three times in my life. So that's pretty cool. And castle ruins are CASTLE RUINS! I think ruins are pretty cool. How amazing is it, that things built 600 or 700 years ago, still exist?
We're also going to test out our new hiking boots and backpacks.
We briefly considered going to Kalkow, which is apparently some sort of catholic penance theme park (because what else would they have in Poland). They even have a concrete model of the plane the Polish present crashed with 3 years ago, which is so ugly, tacky and strangley bizarre I sort of wanted to see it. It looks like we won't be able to make it, though.

Our landlord gave me a bicycle that had been standing around in the staircase and didn't belong to any of the current tenants. I don't love cycling (my boyfriend does, though, so he's super happy I finally have a bike) but it was free and PINK and I guess it's nice to own a bicycle sometimes. Once the semester ends I can cycle to work, which will probably be faster than taking the tram or walking. Theoretically taking the bus would be the fastest, it takes like 5min, but it runs only about every 30min so if I miss it, I'm super late. So a bike is nice. It's also nice that I got it for free, so I won't be super upset if it gets stolen.

Man, why is it so dark today? Last week the forecast said it would be 30°C this weekend... now it's 30 as in 10 today + 10 on Friday + 10 on Saturday. It's also well... dark and grey. I bet you're all roling your eyes at me complaining about the weather again. So maybe I should stop.
I've been at work for only about 1,5hrs and I'm soo tired. I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't sleep again until about 8 when it was time to get up. It's hard to stay awake right now. My boyfriend and I were going to have a picknick with sandwiches from the hipster sandwich place down the road, but with it being so cold and grey this morning that fell through. We're staying at a super fancy 5*Hotel during the first two nights of our trip, although our rooms are only 4* apparently. We normally wouldn't but we wanted to have breakfast included and that ended up being the cheapest option. I'm looking forward to that and the awesome breakfasts.

My boyfriend had a job interview at the national railways last week and apparently it went really well. They're going to let him know after the weekend. It would be so perfect if that worked out. He'd actually (finally!) earn real money and do something he likes. At his current work, two of the four people in his department quit at the end of April and he doesn't really want to stay there either (not to mention that they don't actually pay!). We'd still go back to Germany in September, but it would definitely make our life here a lot easier if he had a better job.

I think I'm going to read my book now. 2 hours left until my boyfriend picks me up at work and we go to the station together