I never posted about our May-Weekend/My Birthday Trip. I have a draft saved, but inbetween everyone else's interesting blog posts I felt it was boring. In short: We had fun and not the worst weather.

Aaaanyway: I passed the theory test for my driver's license this morning! I finished the required (practical and theory) lesons in Feburary already, but I was a bit scared about actually taking the test. As long as I didn't take it, I couldn't fail it. I signed up for it in April, thinking that if I don't pass, then so what? I'll just take it again. No need, though. I passed the first time and it was easier than I expected. They changed the rules in January and now there are 32 questions and some of them have these little films and then "In the situation presented are you allowed to turn left?" and whatever. It was ok, though. Definitely not as hard as people make it out to be.
Now I need to get in touch with my driving instructor, take the last lessons and sign up for the practical exam. I'm in no hurry with it, though. Other than "before we move back to Germany" I have no time limit. We don't own a car and aren't planning to and I don't actually need the license.

Also today I made myself feel old. I looked up the CV of one of my work collleagues because he looks quite young but is a Senior Associate apparently (and because I'm a stalker by nature). I figured that he must be around 33 and then I thought to myself that he's 10 years older than me... and then it dawned on me that I turned 25 a few weeks ago. And that 33 is not 10 years older than me at all. And I was like what the hell? Where has time gone?
I feel like I'm in a weird place right now. I can't wait to finally start and finish my thesis and graduate - I feel like I've been in uni long enough (5 years) and it's enough, but I'm also scared of starting the job life. I majored in linguistics (undergrad) and Slavic Studies/Polish Philology (Master's), which is not exactly something that guarantees a great job with great pay *sigh* It also doesn't help that I have at best a vague idea about what I'd like to do. Being in university on a government scholarship isn't exactly perfect, but it's pretty safe.
I like the job I have now, but we're moving back to Germany and the position (proofreader/translator) obviously doesn't exist in Germany.

My boyfriend finished the internship he did and seeing as the company isn't going to employ him, he's going to job as a bike courier until we move back to Germany. It's ridculously badly paid. Working full time he's going to make less than what I get working part time (1/2) and I already feel that I get paid way too little. I keep telling myself that it's only until the end of August and that he just has to have something to do. But ugh... It's just not fair.
He went away with his mum for today/tomorrow (she's a sales rep and travels all over the country, so he went to work with her) , which I'm super uncomfortable with. It's not only the fact that he went with her (obviously) but I get the feeling that their relationship isn't the healthiest. I know it has been an issue before and quite clearly we come from families with very different dynamics + cultural differences. Being uncomfortable with their relationship might just be me being weird. After all I've seen my mum once for about three days during the past 12 months (and I've cut contact with my dad years ago) and I fully understand that that's something that a lot of people would find strange. But the thing is, I strongly believe that once your children are a certain age, you need to help them be independent. I don't think it's healthy to depend on your parents too much and I don't mean (only) financially. If only because they won't be around forever.
My boyfriend (in my opinion anyway) is not independent enough for his age and his mum isn't helping it. Really, I don't want to be the bad person here and drive them apart. Parents are important and people who have them are lucky and should be grateful and it's ok to take support from them. Hell, the second person I texted after I passed the exam today was my mum. But it's also important to be independent and your own person.
I told him what I thought and why I wasn't comfortable with it yesterday. He left me a short note on the kitchen tabel this morning, saying "It's terrible, because once again, you're right. And I'm going to work on it [and a few other things]" That's good I guess.

Meh, I'm going to enjoy having the house to myself now. I bought strawberries when I came back from class today and I'm going to eat them watching The Big Bang Theory.