I'm leaving for Germany after work today and I'm super excited! The last time I saw my mum was when she visited here for Christmas and my brother and grandparents I haven't seen since the last time we visited them, which was in April last year. My brother has recently moved, because mum sold the house he lived in and apparently he has a super nice and big apartment now, so we're staying with him and his girlfriend. It's a huge improvement, because before when I visited I stayed at the house, which was in the middle of nowhere and since my mum had moved out a few years ago and with my brother working all day it would get a bit boring. The last time we visited mum gave us her car (Olek drives), but it was still a bit inconvenient. It should be better now that I can take advantage of my brother

Olek's best friend's fiancee -or rather the girl who's organising it- invited me to her bachelorette party. They're considering going to Cracow or paintballing. There are few things I find fundamentally wrong and disgusting. Paintball is one of them. Like really the whole idea just totally grosses me out. If they opt for paintball, I'm not going. (And don't you tell me to relax about it, because it's not going to end well!) Cracow I would be ok with. I don't think it's a super great idea, but I don't mind it.
I'm looking for dressed for the two weddings we're invited to this summer. I've only been a guest at a wedding once and I'm not really sure what is appropriate. I think I'd like this in a colour other than white obviously! Preferably green. And I kinda sorta remember they used to offer it in different colours. This one in dark green would be ok, but I'm not a fan of the crossed straps in the back. I also found this on ebay and although I would prefer a slightly darker shade of green. I want something that's not black, not boring but formal enough for a wedding. I'm also going to see if I can find something in the city. It will probably be cheaper and I wouldn't have to pay for shipping.
I also need to call my driving instructor lady. I should do that before I leave actually and make an appointment for at least one lesson. I'm still sort or scared of talking on the phone in Polish, which is totally ridiculous. Ok, I just tried and couldn't reach her, so I sent a text. Update and she just texted back and will call me later today. Someone calling me is not so bad

Olek started the training for his bike messenenger job on Monday and even though the weather has been terrible (this English guy at my work said it made him feel at home - go figure!) he has been in a really good mood after work. It's not an ideal job, but I guess for the time being it's ok and at least he will be making some money and we can share the rent. Which is taking a huge weight off my shoulders and means more savings for when we're moving back to Germany (and will have to buy furniture and pay the deposit for an apartment!).
I'd better get some reading done now. I haven't had anything to do at work since last Tuesday. I'm trying to get all my class work done at work now. It's sort of motivating to get paid for something I'd have to do anyway.

*added the link I forgot