I know I complain about the weather a lot, but man! We have 33°C today! Next week it should go back to below 20. I'm not asking for much, but like two or three weeks with the same weather would be nice.
I'm at work right now and bored blogging. There's only me, the accountant, the two secretaries and the "office manager", none of the attorneys came into the office, so there's nothing to do for me.
I "finished" my first paper, on the Polish press coverage of a German war film/series. See here for a English perspective. It was the first ever paper I wrote completely in Polish and language wise it probably isn't very good, but I actually quite enjoyed writing it. Not so much all the right wing papers and news I had to read. That was actually a bit horryfing. But I analyzing what and how they report was interesting. I still need to add a few paragraphs and go over it again, but the first draft is there. I already handed it in to my prof and am waiting for her advice.
I had an oral exam in Russian literature on Wednesday because I had failed the original exam. I admitted to not actually having read most of the material, so we he gave me a C and we discussed the paper I need to write. He actually had some really good ideas, which I'm super grateful for.. Trying to find out the office hours of the profs I found out that I passed Dialectology. The exam was in April, I just never got around to check it because I figured I hadn't passed anyway. Hah!
I'm done with (what was hopefully) my last semester of classes now it's two more term papers and my MA thesis between me and my degree. I go through phases of being excited and terrified.
I've also signed up for the practical driving exam in the beginning of July. My boyfriend is the only one who knows the exact date, because if I told anyone else. Like his parents or mine or friends, I fear that it would stress me out too much. I also don't even really consider the possibilty of passing my first try I think almost no one does.
I'm going to take some more lessons with a different instructor if (or rather after) I fail the exam.

Last night I met up with some other girls to plan my friend's (or rather Olek's best friend's fiancee's) bachelorette party. I think their ideas are a bit lame, but then, they know her better. We're not going to have penis-shaped anything because "that's not her style". Well, yeah, I don't think penis shaped straws or cakes () aren't anyone's "style". It's a bachelorette party! After the meeting we met with the bride and groom to be, because they both defended their theses and after that Olek and I went to our friend's dorm (conveniently located at the other end of the city!) to have a small good bye party. Her dorm is a bit of a legend at my university. There are rumours that someone once brought a horse up to the sixth floor and because horses apparently can walk up stairs, but not down (any confirm that? Tanja?), the fire fighters had to come get her. I don't actually believe in that, but you can imagine what kind of place it is. So I was curious to see it. Turned out to be disappointingly normal, although her party was nice.

Olek is working as a bike messenger and while the pay is ridiculous, he seems to really enjoy the work and he'll be earning enough so we can split the rent, which makes things a lot easier for me.
He's going to his friend's bachelor party on Saturday, so I'm going out with the friend who had her goodbye party last night (*sniff* I'm going to miss that girl. She's probably the most positive person I've ever met!) and possibly another friend. Although this is other friend, when I asked him on Tuesday was like "I can't make plans so far into the future (WTF?), so we'll see about that.
It'll be the second weekend in a row that we won't spend together. Last weekend he went on a trip with his dad. But: on Sunday night we're going to see Fiddler On The Roof. He gave me the tickets for my birthday and I'm super excited. I've been wanting to see Fiddler On the Roof at the Jewish theatre here for years (literally!) but I could never get tickets. So YAY!
And next weekend we're going to a national park in East Poland to see moose. We went there last year and eventually saw one standing near the road. They have trackers, though, apparently and in the early mornings the park rangers organise tours to see them. So we're going to try that this time. I'm excited. Not only are moose totally awesome but the area is beautiful. The majority of people there are orthodox and they have all these super cute little othodox churches with onion towers and everything We're probably going to rent a car again, because there's practically no other way to get around there.

I have something more:
Olek just came home (super late, he was supposed to finish around 5 and got home at 7 instead) and he gave me this:

Pigs! Also funny random fact: I knew the box was from Germany (even before I googled the manufacturer), because pigs are a symbol of good luck (like four leave clovers) in Germany, whereas... they have a rather bad connotation in Poland. The box doesn't make sense here.