My feet are still killing me, I have blisters all over the soles of my feet and I have an hour left to kill (lame I know) before I can leave work.
So here's an account of Saturday night.
Olek went to his friend's bachelor party and because he already left me alone last weekend and I really wanted to go out that's what I did.
I was planning to go to my favourite club with a friend who's went back home to Lithuania on Sunday, but my other friend (V., who recently broke up with his German LDR girlfriend and is still suffering) who I wanted to take along convinced us to go to his friend's concert. His friend plays the keyboard and sings Ukrainian (folk) songs. She sang this among others. It was pretty good, but not something I'd listen to on my own. After the concert, there were a lot of other people I knew and friends' friends, we grabbed some beer and went to drink by the Vistula river. Drinking in public isn't allowed in Poland (*pfff*), but in summer there are huge crowds of people drinking by the river, so there's not much the police can do about it. Anarchy!
We sat there for some time, more people show up. Some girl from the Czech Republic that I sat next to in a lecture last semester, even more Ukrainians,... I didn't get to dance after all, but we had a great time anyway.
Then we went to get kebab and to a bar, where we sat until like 4am or something, when one of the Polish guys decided we need to go somewhere else. Instead of saying where he wanted to go he just said something like "it's close. like 5mins" etc. Man, I HATE it, when people do that and just assume I don't know the place anyway. I've been going out in this city for 3,5 years! Chances are I've been there and know how to get there (better than you!) but whatever. So we walk and walk (I was wearing new shows, because I figured I wasn't going to be walking much and my feet were killing me by then) into this area with all office buildings and NO bar. So I was... mad. Also at that point Olek called me to tell me he just got home
His friend's bachelor party obviously didn't last as long as my attempts to go dancing with my friends. I was reaaallly pissed when we finally, after running around for like half an hour, losing the others and finding them again, we get to a place that was 10min (at most) from where we left. Ugh. So I was like "Ok, eff this. I'm going home!" I was also getting tired. So V. had been talking on the phone with Olek and apparently promised him to bring me home :rollyes: . Fair enough he lives like 500m from us, so it's not a big thing really. I knew he would've liked to stay though and he said something about there being masses of beautiful girls (The man really needs some distraction, if I hear his ex's name one more time I don't know what I'm going to do!) so he was going to bring me to the night bus and go back to the bar.
Well, we missed the bus by like 3 minutes and the next one was in half an hour. We just sort of stood around trying to decide what to do next, some guy walked up to us and in English asked about a toilet (well, no luck there, man) and it turns out he's from Germany, very close to where I'm from. We chat, he walks off to uhm relieve himself I guess and V and I decide to walk to the next stop and get another beer on the way (well I was going to buy them as a thank you for him for going with me, when he'd have liked to stay at the bar), and we walk past the German buy waiting at a kebab place and chat to him some more. He had to take the same bus, so I got us all beers and we walked to the next stop together.

It was pretty bright day by then (~4:30am) and in retrospective walking with a can of beer in the middle of the city, in almost-daylight, wasn't a very smart idea. I think the fine is something like 25€. Ok, I just googled that and the first result is an article, written by a friend of mine. Weird!). We were lucky, though. Our bus comes, we get in and two idiots get into a fight over literally nothing. It was obvious, they just really wanted to get into a fight, so they were calling each other idiot and started a fist fight. It was pretty surreal, because it wasn't even very violent (for a fight that is) and normally I'd be shit scared, but it was just too weird to be scary. We get to the next stop and idiot in a white t-shirt pushes out idiot in a green t-shirt. When the bus started moving again, green shirt idiot raises his fist and... smashes the glass in the exit door. I don't know if the driver noticed (but he must have), but he didn't stop or anything. The next stop was ours, we say good bye to German guy, get off the bus and can't stop laughing at everything that just happened. I invite V for one last vodka (well I had wine, but he had some leftover vodka from the last party at hour place), we laugh some more, V leaves, I go to bed.
The end.
Well, I learnt today that it was not the end for V because he went back to that last bar. I don't know how he does it, it was probably close to 6am by then and we had been out and about for close to 12 hours. It's not like he's 21 anymore either.

Olek and I went to see Fiddler on The Roof Sunday night. The tickets were my birthday present from him and it was absolutely beautiful. I absolutely loved it. It would have been even better if my feet hadn't been killing me, but it was pretty anyway.
At Olek's wish I'm making cauliflower for dinner today and considering what exactly I should do.

So how was your Saturday night and when was the last time you went to a party the lasted twelve hours?