Just a short blog because I don't know why the hell I'm sitting at work and it's boring.
And because it's boring and I'm a naturally curious person, I googled [a former member who used to ask for money *cough*] (I'm sure you remember her, I was going to put her name but decided against it. If you can't think of anyone and want to share the gossip => PM) and well, you can just do it for yourself if you're curious, it's really not that difficult. I'm curious but not a super spy stalker.
I'm torn between feeling sorry (I definitely am, though!) and ... shocked? It's just... sooo far away from my reality. Not that I don't know what it's like to be poor. I have an idea. During my first semester my scholarship/assistance was 280EUR and my rent was 211. I got a job immediately, when I found out how much (little!) assistance I got, but I had very few hours and I made about 150EUR or something there. The city I lived in is super expensive, too. So I get what it's like to get by with very little. But seriously?! I don't even want to talk about her (I realise I'm doing exactly that right now), but it's just...
Ugh, we worked so hard to close the distance and we'll have to keep working hard to stay close distance. A lot of the time I'm worried something comes up and we'll have to go long distance again. And sometimes when I see how other people do it I don't know if I should be like "Ok, why are you worrying so much and securing everything three times? You could just not care and it would somehow work out" or "Good, that you make sure you'll be fine. You don't want to have to beg people on the internet to pay your rent!". Ok, I'm done talking about others and hope I won't get banned for it.
Olek finally got the acceptance letter from university! It was so good to read it. I can't even put into words how proud I am (of him, obviously!). He was so determined to do this and it's so great that it worked out. I hope he's going to like it (geeze, his program is about trains! He's going to love it more than me, ok?!). His parents haven't even travelled abroad much and come to think of it, neither have most of his friends. Apart from Hungary or Greece for a week or max two on vacation, none of them went on any abroad adventures. I know I'm a considerable influence here but I didn't make him do anything really. And look, here's the homeboy that never ever wanted to leave his beloved city! He spent one year abroad and is going for a two year programme in another country and a foreign language!!
Some time ago, he even mentioned wanting to go to Ireland for maybe a year, once he finishes his degree, so he can learn English and you know... see something different. I'm not sooo opposed, although I would sort of like to settle and in two years I'll be 27 and uh. I plan on getting a job once I graduate and could I leave it after 1,5 years?! Well, we'll see. Ireland is also sort of funny, though. Sometimes I feel like half of the Polish population already lives there. The ones that didn't make it to Chicago that is.

My driving instructor was a huge bitch this morning. Goddamn, woman, you're supposed to effing TEACH me, that's your job. When I do something wrong, then don't freaking ask me "Why did you do that?" and don't tell me I parked wrong, tell me how to do it right, ok?! It's not like I can practise on my own. So instead of "You can't park like this! What are you doing?!" TELL ME! Ugh. Sorry. I was just so upset. And it doesn't help that I have my exam next week. (Lalala, there I said it!).
I can still be fine, right?! And if not, I can just re-take and re-take and... oh well. Until we move back to Germany.

Sorry if this was very incoherent. I think it's save for me to go home now. Maybe I'll wait another 10mins... Hmmm.