I know it's probably partly PMS, but I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how we're ever going to find a flat in Germany from here. It all seems so impossible. And Olek isn't helping me much. I understand that there's not much he can do. He's working 10 hours a day and I'm the one who speaks German (well so does he, but you know...) so I have to do the calling. But I just want to yell at him that I already found the place we're living in now and got him the room in Mainz and I hate doing this and I just plain don't know how anymore. #

We were planning to go to Dresden (our friend is letting us stay at her place) in two or three weeks for a few days. But obviously if I call now, no one's going to want to make appointments for "in two weeks". They're going to have a million other people (presumably with more money = more security) wanting the place by then, so they're not going to wait for us.

I guess all I can do is wait and start calling places a few days before we're planning to travel there. But I'm super stressed that there won't be any decent places to look at then.
I just feel hopeless and left alone. The stupid boy has NEVER even looked for a flat, let alone gone flat hunting and whenever I tell him about a problem he's telling me I'm exaggerating or that I don't know "for sure" (no, but I've flat hunted before and common sense tells me. And surprise, surprise, the two places I called today confirmed what I've been telling you for WEEKS!).

I'm just so angry and desperate and I don't see how this is ever going to work out.