Last night was my friend's (read: Olek's best friend's fiancee's) bachelorette party. It was also the first bachelorette party I had ever been to. I wasn't very excited about going at first because O (the bride to be) is really nice, but most of her friends are just kinda boring. I don't know if I'm a particularly interesting person and I don't really know them enough and I'm being judgemental, but they talk about boring things, do boring things and most of them look boring. It's kinda hard to assume that there's a hidden layer of interesting somewhere there.
The party wasn't very exciting either. There were some games, but I was hoping for something more controversial
And O having to draw her fiance (including his huge SCHLONG) with her eyes covered was as risky as it got. The girls told each other supposedly embarrassing confessions about their "first love" in like primary school or whatever. Maybe something's wrong with me, but... crushes in primary school don't count as previous love life to me
neither does going on a date or two with that oh-so-weird-guy from your first year Introduction to whatever-you-study class, when you were on a break with your husband to-be. And that's as interesting as exciting as it got. For all of them.
An interesting random fact, though: in summer you can tell I'm not from here, or from a (former) socialist country, because I don't have chicken pox (I think it's chicken pox?) vaccine scars on my shoulders. I don't know when they stopped doing the vaccine here, but evidentally in the late 1980's it was still common. There goes my chance of becoming a spy or secret agent.
We went to two clubs, but we were practically alone in both I don't know who chose them and I know that not planning and then complaining about how other people planned is horrible and mean, but it was obviously someone who doesn't get out much.
That was pretty boring as well.

it's 12:30 now and I should get up and take a shower because I have driving lesson at 4 and I wanted to clean our fridge today. I have no idea what happened there, but it's filthy and gross. I also need to clean the bathroom. (...didn't I just say I thought others were boring?! How's cleaning your fridge and bathtub for an interesting life?)

Olek won't be back before 11pm and from the texts he sent me it seems that the bachelor party was more interesting. Which is not surprising seeing as he planned it

As a follow up to the last blog: We bought tickets and are going to Germany in two weeks. Let's hope we'll find something so we won't have spent the money for the tickets in vain.