I have an hour left at work, although I might leave earlier, but I was also late today soo... and anyway I thought I could blog.
I'm trying to calm myself down. I've found a room in my uni city for September. The plan is to go there for two or three weeks, get done everything I need to get done, travel to my family, go on a holiday with my mum and brother and then go to our new place, so that Olek and I arrive there (more or less) at the same time.
It means we won't see each other for almost all of September - boo!

I'm a bit (who am I kidding? I'm the queen of anxious-nervous "this is never going to work out whaaa!", in case you couldn't tell from my blogs yet) nervous about the things I need to get done at university. The thing is, I took some of the Master's classes during my last semester as a Bachelor's student. I wrote papers, handed them in, passed and got them back graded. BUT they're not in our shitty campus software thing. I tried to get that done when I visited Olek there back in Feburary, but even though the office that gets these things done was theoretically open, the responsible person wasn't there. I'm also writing two papers here, that I'm going to hand in there, because the classes here didn't have enough credit points. I mailed with the respective profs and they told me to do it that way, but I'm still worried there'll be problems.
I really have no reason to assume that, because so far my department has always tried to do things in favour of the students and all. But sometimes there are these stupid rules, like we only have one month to write a paper and theoretically, we aren't even allowed to know the topic before the beginning of the one month deadline. It's ridiculous. There's simply no way to write a 15-page paper in one month. Not when most of the literature you need isn't available in your library and you need to order it from other libraries, which usually takes a few days, but sometimes up to a week. Say you really only find out the topic one month before the deadline, you start doing research, you find a few papers or books that may (or may not!) be relevant, you read them and they point you to other relevant sources, etc etc. Well, one month is not a lot of time for that.
Also if someone else was faster and borrowed the one edition of that super important book, that's all about your topic, in the first week of the deadline... let's hope for the small chance that they won't make use of the four weeks they are allowed to keep the book.
I worry that they'll say I didn't adhere to the one-month thing or there's no way they can check that anyway and that my papers can't be module exams. Or whatever.
It would mean that I have to move back there for one semester and I don't even want to think about how I'd do that.

But then, I mailed the profs and I did something similar during my Bachelor's and it was fine. So it should be fine this time, right? It would also be too stupid/ridiculous/pointless if they sent me abroad and then wouldn't recognise most of the classes I took here. I mean, come on...

I also need to urgently find a topic for my MA thesis. I have a rough idea about something that's fascinating to me (grammaticalisation), but I'm not sure how to make a whole MA thesis out of it.
Speaking of my thesis. My prof mailed me last week (and today, because I hadn't answered him *oops*). So I worked for him until the end of March and he's going to publish a book now. And the text needs formatting. And because I was theoretically employed (and got paid for) 15 hours a week, but usually didn't have to work that much, he wants me to do the formatting. Initially he told me he would send me the text by June, which was fine for me, because I kinda had spare time in June and July. Now he's asking about September - the end of the year. Ugh. I'm going to be writing my thesis (and he KNOWS that, seeing as he's my advisor!) and I also need to find a new job. I don't want to be indebted to him and I agreed to do it, but it pisses me off. This is not even my freaking mistake and yet for some reason I have to suffer from it?!

Man, that was one negative blog post.
In good news: I picked up my shiny brand new driver's license this morning! Not that I have a car or anything, but I'm legally allowed to drive now!
We're going out tonight and I can't wait. I love when it's warm at night in summer and you can just meet up outside and sit and talk and drink. And then if you feel like it, you can still always go to a club. But sitting outside and drinking not-cold-anymore beer <3