I know I'm spamming, but all the other girls who are wedding planning got/get to spam as well
I feel sick from all the muffins (and raw dough...) that I ate
I called the registry office today and made are reservation for October 19th, 1:30pm It's a Saturday so with some careful planning our guests -that is my mum, Olek's parents, my brother and possibly my mum's husband and my brother's girlfriend- can come without taking time off work. We're planning to go for dinner in Poland afterwards. Olek and I looked at possible restaurants online today. How lucky are we to be able to have the ceremony in one country and the "party" in the other one, just a short walk away?
Fun story: The lady asked if we were both German citizens, I said no and that Olek is Polish and then later she asked for our last names. I gave mine (which is super easy, but we still had some problems because skype is a bitch sometimes) and then she asked for Olek's and I was like "ok, this is going to be difficult, I'm going to spell it to you" and she was like "oh, right. No, I think yours is fine for the moment." Everyone just LOVES Polish last names!

I also talked to my grandma on the phone today and my mum had already told her about our plans. I feel a bit bad about not inviting my grandparents. Especially because I'm a bit worried that when the time comes for our religious wedding and proper party, they won't be able to travel that far anymore. I'm also their first grandchild to get married. But we're not even having a real party. Olek probably won't even inform his grandparents. His family leads a sort of censored life for the grandparents. His parents are still living together, but they have new partners and aren't really in a relationship with each other anymore. Even though that has been going on for like 10 years, the grandparents are not to know about it.

Then I called my mum, but she's super busy right now. She sort of got promoted against her will at work (what happened was that she wanted to quit, because she didn't like her boss but instead they fired her boss and offered the position to her). She used to have a similar position a few years ago and quit, because she didn't want the responsibility anymore.

Anyway back to the wedding spam:

So today I ordered...
this hat

The dress in cream and pink

I figured if I don't like the dresses I'm going to sell them on ebay and get a new one. I still have plenty of time.

And yeah, they're white-ish after all

(Hey, did anyone else notice that it shows everyone's ages now?)

Olek and I watched a German film tonight and he kept asking what random words meant - it was funny and tiresome at the same time.
I also remembered a lot of the funny shit he says sometimes. The German word for glove is "hand-shoe" (why ever) and some time ago he couldn't remember it and said "hand-sock" which i you think about it makes a lot more sense. Gloves are a lot more like socks than like shoes. But it just sounds hilarious.
He comes up with some other hilariously creative words every once in a while. And I know it's not nice to make fun of it, but I can't help it. It's just too funny.