Another wedding related post, but not our wedding this time.

Olek's best friend got married on Saturday. The party was awesome. Poland is pretty famous for weddings. Weddings are a huge thing in Poland. The couple had about 70 guests and that's considered a small wedding.
And there's even more food and vodka than there are guests. I think there were four hot dishes served between 6pm and 6am. Every single one consisted of meat of some sort, potatoes in some form and vegetables. Plus two soups. Plus cake, ice-cream and some cold dishes at the table during the whole party.
And the vodka. Olek was the best man/witness, so his job was to see that everyone's shot glasses were always full. The bride and groom usually have "prepared" vodka bottles with water, if they had to drink vodka every time someone wanted to drink with them, their wedding day would not only be the happiest but also the last day of their lives.
I think on their party in the end it was 0.7l for every drinking person, seeing as I drank a lot, but definitely not THAT much, logic tells me than some must have had a litre or more. Dear god.
But you know, there's a reason for all the food. If you stick to vodka and keep eating, you'll be able to stay in surprisngly good shape all night despite of countless of rounds of the clear.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Olek's mum is a singer in a band (obla di obla da....). And seeing as this was Olek's best friend, of course her band played and they did a great job.

All in all it was just a pretty freaking perfect party. Everyone looked sooo pretty and we had so much fun. (I know what you're thinking and I want to show photos myself, but we didn't take any with our cam and we don't have anyone else's photos yet.)

At some late hour the bride's father came up to me and in a really slow and clear voice, using all infinitves he asked me how I liked Poland and some other stuff. It was totally awkward. I know he was probably drunk out of his ass and I'm not as offended as I would normally be, but damn. I'm in my last semester of Polish Philology and I've been living here on and off for the past 6 years, you'd think I speak Polish. I just kept answering in grammatically correct, complete sentences and I think he eventually got it.
At around 6am just before we left we sat down at the table with the parents and some uncle. The uncle kept looking at me and going "Youuu lady, look like a German to me". Awkward #2. What does one even answer to that? And how the hell do Germans look a anyway? Oh well. He's the director of the Polish State Railways, so you know, I had to be nice

Here's some more info about Polish weddings:
And except that the bride throws her veil not her boquet, everything is absolutely true.

So concerning our own wedding:
We told the bride and the groom at some point. And now they're planning on coming as well. It's close enough from Warsaw so they can come just for the day. Which would be an option for Olek's dad as well. If the only people staying the night are our mums and my brother and his girlfriend, then everyone can stay in our flat.
We're considering inviting our grandparents now, but we'll see about that.

Some time this week I need to tell my work that I'm quitting, which I'm ridiculously nervous about. I don't even know why. A LOT of people have quit/are going to quit in the past/next weeks and it's not like I had a very responsible job. And even if they are a bit disappointed or angry, I'm leaving and I (probably) won't want a job from there in the future. I think it might be, because it's my first sort-of-real job.
Anyway we're going to go for a short walk now (I need to get some fresh air) and then I need to SLEEEEP, sweet sleeep!!