So after work on Friday I went to get invitations. We figured that Olek's dad (who we went to see at his cottage on Sunday) won't be able to remember all the details and stuff, so we'd better write it down. And if we're giving him an invitations, we can just as well get invitations for everyone else.
We've also established the final guest list, which now consists of
- Olek's parents
- my mum (sans husband)
- my brother + girlfriend
- my grandparents
- Olek's best friend + wife (the ones that got married the weekend before last)
- Olek's uncle + girlfriend (we were unsure about them, but then his uncle takes semi-professional photos and he's also Olek's godfather and Olek's grandparents would be really upset if we didn't invite him).

I think I like that list. We're also going to invite Olek's grandparents, but while they're doing ok in general, the journey would be too much for them.

I found these really cute cards with a tandem on them and they're basically perfect. We've been on a tandem language course together, we've actually literally rode a tandem before (I want to get one, actually. I'm not as into bikes as Olek, but I don't mind them. I'm just usually too scared to ride a bike in traffic, so a tandem is actually a pretty neat solution).
Anyway, enough talk:

Now I just need to find/come up with a nice text. I have nothing better to do at work, so I looked for quotes and found something I liked.
"This is love: Two people meet by chance and it turns out that they had been waiting for each other all their lives."
I found it in Polish and the pages said it was a quote from some Brazilian director guy, but I couldn't find it in any other language so I doubt it's true. Anyway, it's translateable (which you know, poems or even lines from poems a lot of the time are not) and it fits our situation. We met at a concert full of people!
Now I've got that covered (I hope Olek won't think it's too stupid or trivial) I need to come up with a text and I have no idea.
I have something along the lines of " [we invite you to blabka at blabla]. After ceremony, we would like to celebrate (?) our union (?) with a symbolic walk over the border and a dinner in Zgorzelec" I'm not sure about the wording at all, though. And it doesn't help that we want to have the invitations in two languages. Meeh.

I found this really cute card, that I bought for Olek.

Seeing it almost made me feel a little uneasy, because that is literally (or well... whatever it is for images) what is happening in our house almost every night. It was so weird to see it on a card. I had to get it.

We also decided we're getting inexpensive silver wedding bands, that we're going to exchange for white gold/platinum/whatever on our religious ceremony and party in a few years. Now we just need to find a pair that we like.
I'm leaving in three weeks and we won't see each other again until The Move, and then it'll be only another three weeks until The Day. We're also both working and need to pack up our stuff before the end of August.
I think I'm going to order the rings and have them shipped to my mum. If we have them when we move in, there'll probably be enough time left to have them sized if they don't fit. There's a problem with that, though. We'd like to get the rings engraved and most places I looked up online offer that for free, but I'm not sure how resizable engraved rings are. I read that sometimes they have to re engrave them and that sounds like it would be expensive (and such a waste, to pay for it twice).
I'm also hesistant about ordering rings online. What if they're really uncomfortable ur ugly? :-/

Wedding business aside:
Yesterday we visited Olek's dad at his cottage. He bought the land about two years ago and he built himself a tiny cottage (5mx5m) there. It's literally in the freaking middle of nowhere (his next neighbours are a 5min walk away!). We went there to invite him personally but also because I had never been there and I didn't want to move away without having seen it.
It's pretty beautiful. I mean I would never get something like that and for the bigger part of the year, I don't see the appeal, but yesterday it was really really nice. We had a bbq and he showed us around the lot, showing off vegetables and all kinds of diy thingies. He's planning on building a normal house there and have the cottage as a guest house.
He was also really happy about the news and he's actually glad that we're not having a huge party.

Ok, I think I'm going to eat my cottage cheese with jam (that I took to work in a shot glass this morning, because we didn't have any other small containers ) and then add 1.5 pages to my paper, which was my goal for today.
I didn't know it was possible, but my work is more boring than ever lately. Last week I got all of 6 e-mails (remember I'm here for 30h a week!) on my work account and only one of them was something I needed to proof read. In 30 hours!!! I really like what I do, when I do have work, but I can't wait to find a job where I actually have something to do.