We're not even having a real destination wedding. I mean it's about 100km from where we'll be living but still.
I'm considering getting my hair and make-up done (because... it's easier to just pay someone and not worry about it myself) and I tried to find hairdressers there, but most don't even have a homepage, so I have no idea how much it'll be. And I'd have to go there for a test hair and make-up, I guess. Maybe I'll just learn to do an up-do that goes with the hat myself.
I also looked into maybe getting a professional photographer, but the ones I asked were like 400€ for 3h shooting. That seems so much for our tiny, informal not-even-a-real-party-wedding. I think I might try to convince Olek to have an after wedding session in Warsaw, possibly when we go there for Christmas. He loves Warsaw (duh!), so I think I might have a chance there.
We still need to organise a cake and a bouquet.

On the plus side our rings arrived at my mum's today She took them to my brother's (whose birthday it is today! Happy Birthday, little brother!), because I'm going to stay at his when I get there (9 days left!). He's going to send me photos of them tomorrow. I hope they fit!
Our announcement cards arrived and they're so adorable!

inside in Polish and German and with our new adress

Olek's sending them out this week. It was kinda fun to get all our friends' home adresses. Does anyone still have anyone's adress in the age of facebook, text messages and e-mails?!
I'm trying to come up with a speech to thank my mum, my brother, Olek's parents, our friends (two) that will be there and Olek. But so far I haven't been able to write something that I like.

My uni stuff isn't going very well. The lady at my department who can accept my classes and have them put into my transcript is ill and she won't be in the office this or next week. Which is really, really unfortunate for me. I came here especially to see her and I need to see her, because she's the only one who can do something about my classes. I'm freaking out over that a bit, but there's nothing I can do. I have to get back here in October.
I'm meeting my advisor on Monday and I need to present him with a topic for my thesis. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm just a little scared of him and if I don't have a topic prepared by Monday he'll probably kick me out of his office. In any case it will be really unpleasant. And I have NO IDEA right now. None. My head is completely blank. I think I'm so nervous about the whole finishing my degree-affair that I can't think of anything. I really am my own worst enemy sometimes. I'm doing some mad reading this week in the hopes of finding something that I'm interested in, but I can't really ... get into anything? Nothing I read about seems interesting enough to do a MA thesis on it

I sent off my application for an internship, though. The deadline is Sep, 15th so I don't expect to hear from them before that, but it would be so perfect if it worked out. It would be so good to move there and have a purpose, something to do besides writing anyway.