One of my really good friends in Warsaw has just started working at a law firm (I swear they're everywhere!). They needed to get a contract translated into German and seeing as that's exactly what I did at my job in Warsaw, instead of finding an translator's office there, he asked me to do it. The pay isn't great, but seeing as I'm not working at all this month, it's something. It should be enough to pay for my bouquet (seeing as I'm getting paid in PLN, it's wiser to spend the money in Poland than to exchange it).
It's also yet another proof that connections and knowing people (who know people...) is how you get a job.

So that's what I did today, copyright law.

Friday my friend who spent the past year as an au pair in London came back and we spent the night at another friend's. This friend is an au pair/live in help in a small super-rich (purchasing power 60% over average) town near Frankfurt. She has a small house for herself (in return for helping the family obviously). It was so wonderful to see them again. Yesterday we went to a swimming pool/spa-thing and spent all day lying around, swimming or going to the sauna. I got back home at 11pm last night.

I'm meeting my advisor tomorrow and I kinda sorta have an idea for a topic. His office hour isn't until 4pm, though, so I'm going to go to the library tomorrow and do some more research before I see him.

And because apparently I can't blog anything unrelated to my wedding anymore:
I'm considering getting wellies/rubber boots. I'm probably (as usual) worrying too much, but I'm stressing over "what if it's raining?". We're going to walk from the registry office to the restaurant - you know as a symbol, because we're crossing a bride and the border and I've mentioned all this a million times and you're already bored of it.
Anyway, I don't want to get my shoes all dirty and ruined. White shoes and mud don't mix well.
So I've considered getting something like
I could do with a pair anyway, seeing as most of my shoes are anything but water-proof
and maybe it would look fun in a cute way? I'd still take the good shoes obviously and wear them inside.
Here's my dress again

Oh and I did ask my brother for a picture of the rings... and he sent me a photo of the unopened package So now I'm waiting til Friday to see them.