I got the internship!!
I think I mentioned how I applied for an internship at a German-Czech foundation. I had a phone interview today and I can start working on October 7th and work there for four months. So I'm not working for the last month/month and a half of my MA thesis. (Or I might be working, but not there and possibly fewer hours).
I'm excited. It's paid, not a lot, but I think I should do ok. And it's more or less exactly what I want to do after university. So I'll just be a good worker and hope something for after my graduation comes up.
Or if it doesn't it's still always a new experience and I'll be busy. To be honest I was kind of scared/worried (I use that word a lot) about moving to a new place where I don't know a lot of people with no real reason to get me out of the house.
I get crazy, depressed-sleeping-until-1pm-taking-2hrs-to-get-dressed-crazy, if I have nothing to do. I could never not work. I don't get anything done and it takes me hours to even do laundry or take a shower. And then I feel bad for not being productive enough and well it's just not very pretty.
Especially seeing as Olek will have classes every single day. Some days he's starting at 7:30am (which is funny, considering how apologetic my lecturers always were when I had classes as 'early' as 8:30 ) and he wants to sign up for additional German classes, too, so he'll be pretty busy. I know I have two papers and my thesis to write, but that doesn't really get me out of the house and it would probably make me go crazy even faster. (You wanna hear about my topic? Double marking of evidentiality in Polish. How sane does that sound?!)

So when I read about the internship at the foundation this summer, I couldn't believe how perfect it sounded. I wrote my cover letter and updated my CV... and sent them in last week, a few days before the deadline.
I had a phone interview today and they called me back later to tell me they're looking forward to me working there.
I'm starting on Oct, 7th, a week after our move. So we have a week to settle in, unpack, etc. Which is nice.
Olek's starting classes a week later.

And here's another great thing: My work is 3km from our house! (Ok, my work in Warsaw was like 1.5km from our house, but ... well). Good. I hate having long commutes. I was supposed to start work at 10:30 in Warsaw, I usually left the house around 10:30

Good Thing 2:
I'm basically packed! I still need to clean the room a bit and clean a frying pan, but then I'm ready to leave. I'm staying at my brother's until Monday and then we're leaving for our vacation! My mum has the whole weekend off, too, so we can go see my grandparents and just... be together. We don't get to be together a lot.

Good Thing 3:
I asked a florist in Zgorzelec about bouquets. For some reason I got it into my head that I'd like a pomander/kissing ball bouquet. I don't know. I think they're funny and cute. And different. She finally answered me quoting a price (up to 200zl/about 50€, which is totally fine).

Good Thing 4:
Our rings are at my brother's, so I'm getting to see them TONIGHT!!!

Random Good Thing 5:
This is my 100th blog post!!