That's what it looks like anyway.
We've moved into our first "proper" permanent apartment together. It's still a bit of a mess, because our wardrobes haven't arrived yet and we haven't put up the desks, so a lot of things are still in boxes. But we've moved in. We changed our place of residence today, handed in our documents to get married, I went to my bank to have them send me a new pin because I forgot the old one (I haven't used my German card for a year and I had to remember the pin for my Polish card and Olek's parents' alarm system... anyway), we got health insurance for Olek, found an electricity provider and we put up some more furniture.
I know nothing about electricity and we went based on what we used in our place in Poland, which might not be very accurate, seeing as we had an electric water boiler there and our fridge/freezer and washing machine were pretty much antiques and we had to use the fan heater quite a lot (on the other hand, the apartment was smaller and we cooked with gas not electricity).
Everyone in all the authorities was super nice to us today, which was a good change to how it usually is in Poland. (No offense, I love that country, but public administration probably requires people to be inflexible and sour faced).

Olek and his dad are absolute heros. They left Warsaw on Wednesday night, arrived here on Thursday morning, slept in the car for a few hours, carried all of our stuff (+a kitchen including an oven, fridge/freezer, dishwasher and a washing machine!!) up to our 4th floor apartment and then started building the kitchen.
Something (I really don't know about these things and they didn't really bother to explain?) was missing, though, so we only have the bottom part and shelves of the kitchen. My fil is going to come back before our wedding, though to put up the top shelves.

We have a huge bed now: 1.8mx2m - seeing as we're both not the tallest people on earth (I think lucybelle is taller than Olek?) we can theoretically sleep sideways (that's probably the wrong word, but I can't even think of the right expression in German right now. Like heads and feet to the sides, not the top and bottom)
When we first lived together in Germany our bed was half that size! I asked Olek who needs a bed that big anyway
His answer: "Married couples who want to make it to their 50th anniversary"

I ordered this for our bedroom (When I saw it I knew I needed to have it. Olek wasn't quite so amused, but he'll survive.)
And I finally ordered these for the wedding.

And in case you still care: this is my desk, that we haven't put up yet.

My next post is (hopefully) going to be pictures from our more finished apartment.

We also already have internet (that works a lot better than the one in our place in Warsaw) and probably cable tv (that's included in the rent, I wouldn't willingly pay for that shit).