I should be working on my (LAST!!! OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!) term paper and read about Maria Magdalena, but I have been wanting to blog for a while.

And because there are so many things I want to adress and we all love bullet points - here it is
  • Warsaw
    We had a wonderful two weeks in Warsaw. I had almost forgotten we had so many awesome, loving friends I'm a horrible long-distance friend. I guess I'm somewhat of a shitty friend close distance, but I'm really useless at long distance friendships. I don't really like skyping and I feel awkward talking on the phone with anyone that's not family. I do send the occasional facebook message, but then I forget to answer if my friends write back.
    We also found so many cool stuff for our apartment. We didn't buy anything (because we had no way of getting it here in the bus or train), but the next time Olek's parents visit us, we're going to have them bring
    a print of this (Fun Fact: That's a statue in Warsaw: It used to say "Stalin" on the very bottom, but when he went out of fashion *cough* his name disappeared) - I'm so ridiculously in love with this photo.
    possibly this
    And this if it comes back in store.

  • Family
    It was also the first time I went to Warsaw and saw Olek's extended family after we got married. It's funny how it does seeem to make a difference for them. I'm officially family now, which means that Olek's grandma tells me to help his mum in the kitchen.
    Our last day was also Olek's grandparents' 60th/diamond wedding anniversary, which they held a big-ish (30?ppl) party for. I felt kinda sick/weak in the morning, but I ended up having a lot of fun anyway. I even danced with Olek's dad
  • Work
    My internship ends after the first week of February. The good thing about that is that I can find a job that'll pay more. The bad thing is, I need to find such a job. I've been sending out applications for new jobs already. I hope I'll find something fast. I can't really afford to be without a job for a very long time. There are a few more places I want to apply to and it's still a month away. So I'm pretty confident I'm going to find something. I'd ideally find something at least slighty demanding/connected with my studies, but if I have to do retail, then I'm going to do that.
  • Gym
    I went to the gym for the first time in -uuh- a very long time, on Saturday and it felt really good. Tonight I'm going there for zumba with a friend. Yay for getting fit AND social!
  • New Things
    I bought two today. A new immersion blender that is 1000 times better than my old one and easier to clean.
    and a new-to-me BIKE! Here's a tiny photo of it. I've been wanting to get a bike for some time now and I figured, if I wait until spring, they're going to be more expensive. The woman who sold it lives 10min from my work, so I went there after work and rode it home. It's so comfortable - I love it already! Now I need to get a lock.
    I'm pretty excited about it, because Dresden is a perfect bike city. Everything's going to be so close now! As long as it doesn't rain or snow anyway.
  • Pets
    I'm considering getting us bunnies. It seems like at this point they're the most feasible and still fun pets for us. There are still some things I'm not sure about. I want them to be able to run around our appartment (or most of it anyway), but I'm worried they're going to eat our wallpaper or destroy stuff. The friend I'm going to zumba with today has a bunny. I need to invite myself to her place and see how she does it. Olek isn't completely sold on the idea yet, but I think I can convince him once I figure out everything. I really want to get a dog one day, but it's not an option right now. I don't even think we're allowed to keep dogs here.

I think that might have been it. I made roasted butternut squash last night (and froze most of it. I'm already looking forward to the day I won't have time to cook and can eat it!) and a creamy mushroom soup today. I still love my new kitchen a bit more every day.