I've done a lot of reading for my thesis today and yesterday. I'm going to read some more but it turned out that in one of the papers 2 pages are missing and they're not only missing in my printed version but in the scan as well. And that fact has successfully distracted me, so I can't keep on reading. Instead I ordered this bag that is moderatly pretty (acceptably pretty for me to actually use) and doubles as a bicycle bag! It has gotten a bit warmer later, like yesterday it was 10°C, so I rode my bike to work and to the grocery store. I'm already getting with the traffic thing, think I can totally get over myself there. It also helps getting to know the area a bit better. I usually read when I'm on the bus, so even though it's only like 10min to get to work (my old one and my new one, they're almost next to each other) I couldn't really show the way the bus takes on a map.

My uni stuff is finally moving forward. I'm going to finish my last term paper tomorrow. The prof really liked the draft I sent him, so I'm feeling a lot better about it now. I'm also meeting with my advisor on the 26th and hopefully sign up for my thesis. If all goes well my deadline should be at the end of July (5 months) and then my advisor has 6 weeks to correct/grade my thesis and once I have my grade I have 4 weeks to have my defence. AND THEN I'LL BE DONE! I'm excited and terrified at the same time and in more or less equal parts. I really have no idea what I'm going to do afterwards, but... life has always just kinda happened to me and so far it has been alright, so there's no reason to assume it was kinda happen this time. I'm kinda worried that I will have to do something that is not adequate to my qualifications (because there aren't really a lot of jobs directly related to my field), which is why I'm kinda looking forward to writing my thesis now. (Yay for motivation!!) I've also bought these cute and colourful post its with flower and poka dot designs to mark the papers that I read - additional motivation!

Money is a bit tight right now. I did find a new job (actually two!) but it's only four hours a week, which isn't a lot. I have a few more open applications and one more job interview next week, though - so I'm still hopeful. My mum said she'd support me if I can't find anything and in theory she's legally obliged to pay me ~150€ a month, which she doesn't do. It would be my last option, though. I would feel terrible spending even 12€ on a bag or 2€ on nailpolish, things that I don't really "need", if it was money someone else worked for.

Yesterday for valentine's Olek got me two tickets to see The Threepenny Opera in April! I think this might be the third time he has given me theatre tickets: The School For Wives, Fiddler On The Roof and now The Threepenny Opera! I think when we first started dating his dad invited us to The Phantom of The Opera. Anyway, it's a present that never gets old. I'm really looking forward to it now. (note to self: add to the calendar in our kitchen!).
I got him a (German) copy of Francois Lelord's Hector and the Search for Happiness. It's supposed to have really easy language so it won't be too difficult for him. But then... I'm pretty sure Olek's kinda... not being entirely honest about his language skills at home. We don't speak German together so I'm not really sure what his level is right now, but he communicates in German all day and he reads about complictaed train-related stuff all day, so he must speak and understand more than he admitts at home. He's probably just lazy. (Which is ok, I guess.)

I'm going to go read something for fun now. I have a few new books on my kobo and I'm still a lot of books away from my goal for 2014. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better about the missing page. I can just pretend I read it the night before and forgotten about it but am too lazy to re-read.