I don't want to write about depressing things, because there are enough of them happening (and I got rejected for yet another job today). So we made a trip to Ikea and some other shops today and decorated our bedroom.
We still want to get a moose instead of the bird-thing, but until we find a moose that we like the bird is ok.
Sorry for the crappy quality

I have a second pink bubbly thing that I'm going to hang up on the right and I'm going to have more photos printed to put them in it.

I used to kinda hate the curtains, because I wanted plain violet ones without a pattern. But they were a present from the mil, so I can't really throw them out just now. Since we've gotten the bed cover (that hides our patterned sheets) I don't mind them so much anymore, but I'm still not a fan. Maybe I'm going to try dyeing them. It should make the pattern less visible.

I realised I've never actually posted photos of our place!

The "office" (that's my desk, Olek's one is on the right and I fail at taking photos, so you can't see it)

Our messy red kitchen

The living room part and our moose! (and Olek's awful tv)

Dining table (+my brother's monkey and my incredibly fast growing herbs)