After a hectic weekend and more than two weeks since my last blog...

We had two of my best friends from school over from Friday - Sunday. It was really nice to spend time with them and the finally got to meet my husband! We don't usually have a lot of contact throughout the year, but they had already visited me in Warsaw and it was fun to see them again.
We went to this weird Indie-club on Saturday night and man. They played like four songs that we actually knew and the rest was... well really weird indie stuff that almost noone was dancing to, because it was so weird. Which resulted in me drinking too much and feeling not so well on Sunday.

Today I had yet another job interview. I feel a bit embarrassed about it, but it was my 6th since I've started looking for a job. Well, the guy said he'd hire me.
And that would be fine, except I had also kinda sorta agreed to take another job last week.
Let's call the first one job A. It's a company that organises medical training for doctors from India. They're located in Berlin, but they have some doctors for training in my city and need someone to help them look at apartments, organise visa/authority related stuff, etc.
The job I interviewed for today (job B) would be translations (Eng-Ger) for a company that sells security systems with fingerprint/face identification. They're translating the systems/software itself and the computer programmes and manuals that come with them.
I haven't signed a contract with job A yet, but they want me to start tomorrow (look at an apartment - I need to reschedule the appointment anyway, since I'm already busy at the time it's scheduled for now) and are going to send me the contract later this week.
I haven't signed anything with B either, but am supposed to come in for a "trial day" on Monday.
I think B is going to pay a bit more per hour, but then with A I just have to write down my hours and send them in and I would most likely be more flexible. A also sounds more interesting (but I'm also kinda wary about working for a company that I've never met anyone from in person).
I should probably make a decision asap, but I have no idea what to do.

In other news:
Olek has had all his exams for this semester (no results so far, though) and is on semester break now. The new semester/classes start in April.
I've finally handed in my topic for my thesis and started to research/write. My deadline is probably early/mid August. (Which means I totally should be working now, not writing blogs!). I bought some really cute post it-notes to motivate me to work, and so far it's proving to be good motivation