There's so much weirdness going on on LFAD right now. At least my life is pretty not-weird.
We made another trip to ikea today and our place is a bit more "us" every day, which is great. I also fall a bit more in love with the city every day. I really liked Warsaw in the end (and especially where we lived) but I think the last time I felt so good about the city I lived in was during my EVS in Gdynia (and that was six long years ago). I'd still move back to the seaside in a heartbeat. It doesn't look like it's going to be an option any time soon (I should have married a man who does something sea-related).
Next Thursday we're going to visit my family to spend Easter with them. My mum has the weekend off, so I'm looking forward to that a lot. I haven't seen her since my wedding (is that right? Has it been over 6 months already? wow!) and the last time I saw my grandparents was back in September. We're taking the train and have a two hour stopover in Berlin so we might be meeting up with some friends there as well.

I finally got one of my two last missing grades and it's a straight A with an awesome comment for my stupid paper on Maria Magdalena. I think I totally didn't earn it, but I guess if my prof things otherwise, he's right, because he's supposed to be the smarter one. I'm working on my thesis. Not as much or had as I probably should, but I'm making some progress. It's easier now that Olek's classes have started and I can use the times he has classes to work, so we can spend his free time together.
Speaking of free time, as a good-bye present from my internship, I got two vouchers for themed city tours and we used them today for a tour in Dresden between 1930-1945, which was really, really interesting. We'd have preferred to do something on socialism, but they don't offer that, so we went with the most interesting thing they offered. It was great to get to know about things that are not mentioned in the guide books. The guide was super nice, too and he didn't have a dialect, so it was easy for Olek to follow him (in the metaphorical and literal sense, although the literal sense has nothing to do with dialects obviously).