I've been wanting to post pictures for some time, but I've been too lazy to actually go through them and pick out the ones I like best.
We've been doing some really cool trips lately and we're going on a weekend trip to Poland from Thursday - Sunday this week. (Saturday is also my birthday!!!!!).

Anyway here are some photos from our Easter visit to my family.

The two most important men in my life are very athletic

(they're from the upside down house we visited)

Minigolf. I think we all failed this one.

Last Sunday we went on a bike tour to the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastei. It was so incredibly beautiful (I can't believe we live so close to something so amazing!).

After four hours of cycling and half an hour of walking up a super steep hill/mountain (300m)

I whined and complained a lot (obviously) but it was totally worth it!

Of course it started raining :-/ (fortunately not a lot and it was over quickly)

wine, potato salad and fried eggs (for 4€!)

Life is really good right now. Poland gave me back over 100€ in a tax return (yay!) so that our trip this weekend isn't going to cost me anything.
We're having our birthday party the weekend after next.
I have all the presents for Olek's birthday. The bag, the breakfast set and the event jar. I'm so excited about them, I don't know how I'm going to keep all of this a secret for another *counts* 12 days.
We've ordered a table and chairs for our balcony (http://www.hausundgarten-dajar.de/up...914c884fcf.jpg except without the stool. I swear I asked Olek if he wanted to get a grey/purple one, but he was totally ok with the pink. honestly!) so we can finally use it for something other than drying laundry.