I need to
- proof read (and gender-proof) a paper
- hang out the laundry
- clean up the super messy kitchen

and add some pages to my thesis.
Ok, I started this entry yesterday and I'm no further today, so I'm going to post it now.

But I have stuff on my mind and maybe if I type it out, it'll be easier to focus on other stuff.
I'm finishing my degree in September and currently I have no plans for what to do afterwards. I have a feeling that it won't be easy to find a job. That is, I don't think I'll be unemployed as such, but I seeing as I studied (am studying!) a rather small and exotic subject and I don't want to move, there's a chance I won't fit anything that's appropriate for my level of education. I'm pretty sure I can find a "stupid job" in a call center or somewhere, but I didn't spend 6 years in university to do something I could have done straight out of high school.

So I'm considering getting another Master's degree. There's a university about 70km/an hour by train from us, that offers a Master's degree in computer science for people with a humanities bachelor degree. The modules they offer seem kinda interesting and I've talked to some people who are in the program right now. They said that they all had really awesome job offers before they even graduated.
I'm not really sure where I eventually want to go, but linguistics + computer science seems like a pretty good combination. (I could also do PR and web programming stuff for NGOs in the German-Polish context).
The thing is, if I go for it, we have to seriously re-consider our family planning.
We both want kids. Three of them. I know it's not going to be easy and I don't think I'm the typical mummy-type, but I do think we're going to be great parents and we're looking forward to having a little family of our own.

We had tentatively planned to start trying in two years (2016). If I found work after I graduate, I'd have 2 - 2.5 yrs of relevant experience by then. Olek should finish his degree in Septemer or October 2015 and he's in engineering, so (hopefully) employers are going to throw money at him as soon as he has his diploma.
I have two options for the second degree.
I can study full time, take out a small student loan (I already have 10,000€ debt from my current degree(s), so adding some more to it doesn't seem to make a big difference and there are state loans for master degrees at *very* good conditions) and work and get the degree in five semesters (2.5yrs). I'd also get some benefits and I could be in Olek's health insurance for free.
I could also study part time, in which case I'd be eligable for welfare/unemployment benefits (if I don't find a job that is). Benefits are about as much as my grant + job now, so in terms of lifestyle it wouldn't make a big difference, but it would obviously take longer to finish the degree. (But I wouldn't be making any more debt).
I discussed it with my mum today and the first option seems to make more sense.

But with both these options in 2.5 years doesn't seem like a good time to have our first child, because it'd be more or less exactly when I'll be looking for a job. (I somehow don't believe a huge round belly is going to make me look better at job interviews...). I would graduate and then have to wait until we're done having children and they are old enough to go into day care to start working. I'm not very ambitious and I don't want to have a very amibitious career, but I do know that I'm smart and I want to use my skills to do something (other than cleaning and looking after kids. Though I'm in no way saying that that is not a difficult job.)

It would kinda make more sense to have it earlier, finish the degree with a child (teachers are more likely to cut student parents some slack than employers) and I'd definitely get welfare for the child. Once I'm finished, it'll be old enough to go to day care.

I'm probably missing something big here and need some perspective. I have no idea what we'd do with the other "planned" children (seeing as I wanted them to be close in age), but I think I'd rather have only one earlier than start at 35 and have my last one when I'm 40ish.
I don't think now or in one year is a good time as such. But I don't know if there'll ever be a better time either.

Olek has Wednesday off, so we're going to think through the all the options (he went away with his friends for the weekend).

I talked it through with my mum today and while there was nothing she could do to actually help me, it still felt good to talk to someone who understands.