Ok, so "we" won the world cup. I'm glad this football stuff is finally over, because football is boring.

I haven't written a blog in over a month, because there's not really much to write about. I've kind of finished my thesis (20.300 words) and am editing it now and need to kind of re-write one chapter. I've been lazy last week, so I really need to finish everything this week if I want someone else to read through it before I hand it in.
Olek has exams and I hardly see him these days. He's always studying at home or at a friend's place. I can't wait for this shit to be over.

I've applied for an awesome job last week, but realistically I don't think they'll take me. I've also signed up for the computer science programme. So if I don't find a job, my classes are starting October 13th

I'm handing in my thesis on Friday, August 15th and then on Monday we're going to the Baltic Sea with Olek's mum. We had originally planned to stay until Saturday, but one of Olek's friends is getting married on Friday, so we're going to Warsaw on Thursday and will stay in Warsaw for the weekend and possibly part of the next week. The other day I realised this will be the first wedding where I'm not "allowed" to catch the veil and I'm kind of bummed about it. I always really liked fighting for it. It obviously brings out my -othewise very well hidden- competetive side. I already have a super cute dress for the wedding, but it's too big. I'll look into having it altered, but if it costs more than I paid for the dress I might just look for another one or wear something I already have.

I'm preparing a present for Olek for when he'll be through with all his exams this semester. I bought this pin from ebay and I found the cutest moose gift bag ever today. I also got some railway-related stickers (they're also glittery! yes, I found glittery train stickers! What's not to like?) so I'm making him a card or a letter with it as well.
I'm so proud of him lately. His German has become so good that I can use German words when I can't think of the Polish ones. And seeing as I speak Polish quite well, it means that those are the more complicated words. Last week he had an oral exam and he got a 1,7 (1,0 being the best grade). I just read this artice on xojane about a woman moving to Sweden to close the distance with her partner. It reminded me of the time right after I moved to Poland for the first time. Everything was so complicated and exhausting. And I had wanted to move. Before he met me, Olek hadn't even considered ever leaving his city (let alone country, which is kind of untypical for a Pole Not so much for a Varsovian, though.). Granted, he has the comfort of a wife that speaks his native language and will explain and even do all the complicated foreign things for him. But then I didn't have to attend and understand classes on engineering either. My mum keeps reminding me to be more patient with Olek and I guess I should listen to her Yesterday, when he failed so badly at putting together a cover letter for a job application I probably was a bit unfair.
He's also so nice and despite having almost no time for me, he's still doing so much at home. I'm kind of terrible at housekeeping (except for cooking) and this place would be in a terrible state of it wasn't for him. He's always making me tea (that half of the time I don't even drink, because you know, first it's too hot and then I forget about it and then it's too cold).

I've also made some loose plans for trips in the next 6-ish months. My mum, my brother and I want to go to Berlin for a weekend, Olek, me and my brother and his girlfriend want to take a weekend-trip to Prague together and one of my best friends is moving to Poznan after the summer and we want to visit her there. My brother suggested that we take a trip the four of us together. He's not really very emotional and he doesn't talk a lot (thank god for whatsApp and being able to send photos to each other), so when he he was "Hey, let's go somewhere together!" it made me feel so loved. I'm so lucky to have such a great family.
Speaking of trips, the operetta in our city is showing Evita, Little Shop of Horrors and (next year) Fiddler on the Roof. They also showed the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I'm so mad at myself for having missed out on that. My mum really wants to visit and see one of those with me. We've seen Fiddler on the Roof in Polish last year and they're obviously showing it in German here. I really want to go with Olek. He knows the story and his German is so good now, that he should even be able to understand the singing.

On a last note: I recently bought my first Groupon-Thing. There's this Chinese restaurant that Olek's Chinese classmates keep going on about, so we've been wanting to try it for some time. And then Groupon had a deal on their all-you-can-eat and I went for it. We're planning to go next month, once Olek is done with all his exams.