I handed in my thesis on Friday. I still need to have the defence/oral exam, but I've pretty much finished my degree. It only took me 12 semesters alltogether

The past few days have been pretty eventful.

I have a new job that I'm starting on Sep, 1st. It's in a pretty big multimedia corporation. I'm going to be working 15h/week in addition to getting a degree in computer science and commuting 1,5h one way to my new university. I hate myself already.
Olek's also starting a new job in September. I don't really understand what he does, but it's an engineering office and they plan something with rails or trainstations or something. Speaking of which, he's making me proofread his projects for uni, I have to read one tonight, and I understand at best 1/4 of the text. I really don't know if me proofreading them is even helping or making things worse.
Update: I read that project and... it was sidings and locomotives and wagons and... I have no idea what I read. Apparently a locomotive is 8 metres long?

On the less positive side, my mum had to put down our family dog on Thursday. She had called me on Tuesday to say that the dog was ill, hardly getting up and not eating or drinking. The went to the vet right away, had some blood tests, but were allowed to take her home. The vet said she might have pancreatitis and needs to keep a diet, but will most likely be fine. On Wednesday morning my mum had to carry her outside, because she wasn't getting up at all. So they took her to the clinic where they gave her an IV and kept her the night, to do an ultrasound (or whatever it is they do). Turned out it was pancreatic cancer and had already attacked her liver, so there was nothing they could do and they had to put her to sleep on Thursday morning.
I broke out crying a few times throughout the days on Thursday and yesterday. It's weird, because I moved out in 2007 and haven't lived with the dog since. So it's not like anything really changed for me. But I got her when I was 13 and I loved her so much. She was a bit deranged (we think it was because of the circumstances of my parents' break up. She was a bit over a year then and we were all so busy with ourselves that we didn't give her the care and attention and training she would have needed), but she was very loveable in her deranged-ness.
My mum called me today to let me know that they had picked out a new dog, an almost 1yr old Labrador/Australien Shepherd-Mix, that basically looks like a black Lab (this is the 3rd black Lab in a row for my mum She's a serial labra-mother!). They're going on vacation in September, so she's going to move in when they come back at the end of September.
Life with a less deranged dog is going to be a bit easier and less stressful, too. My mum's already looking forward to having a dog she can actually take on long walks. Leena was slow in her old days, but she was never very athletic to begin with.

On to more positive things:
We're going to the Baltic Sea on Monday! We're going with Olek's mum which I'm a bit eh about, because even though she's lovely, she's just a bit ... MUCH sometimes. I know I talk a lot sometimes, but dear god, this woman never shuts up. EVERYTHING is always SO CUTE, SO ADORABLE, LOVELY, GREAT, OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SO LUCKY, YOUR APARTMENT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! LOOK AT THE CURTAINS (yes, I see them everyday, I like them, too). But in small doses I can deal with that and I haven't seen her in a few months, so it's alright. From there we're going to Warsaw on Thursday, because on Friday we're going to a wedding on Friday. I'm going to try to squeeze a hairdresser appointment in on Friday morning, too. (Note to self: Call them on Monday!)
We're going to stay in Warsaw til Thursday morning, take a bus to Wroclaw (which is in the west of Poland, on our way), spend the day there and then go back home.

And then I'm looking forward to September and actually being at home together and have time for each other. Do the things we've been wanting to do all sumer (picnic, museums, etc etc) and didn't have time for.

This blog post has gotten much longer than I thought.

Oh, one last thing:
If you haven't already voted, you can help me win a trip to Poland (most likely with my mum and my brother!):
You need to be on a computer and have to like the page and then you can vote for my moose