My fall break visit (Oct 10-15) was nice because it was only two weeks or so after the previous visit. Only having to wait two weeks is very nice . I flew with Southwest Airlines for the first time. The flight was packed full and I ended up sitting next to this really friendly guy. We talked for the two hours of the flight there, it's the first time I've ever done anything like that. Usually I bury myself in my book or work and ignore everyone around me, but we just started talking and pretty much told each other our life stories. I will never see him again so it was a random moment of sharing between two strangers. Very interesting.

It was my first time at the Hobby airport and it took a little while for me to find my boyfriend. I was a little cranky from the long day I had (work + fieldwork in a cemetery) and so we decided to go straight home instead of going out to dinner. We got burgers from Whataburger (yay!) and headed home. The evening was spent just catching up and me playing with the cat. We had an early night (because of course we wanted to get to he bedroom as fast as possible!).

On Friday morning he went to work and I did some schoolwork while dodging kitty attacks. He managed to get out of work early and we went to lunch together. I have lived in the U.S. for almost three years and never had Mexican food! So he took me to his favorite Mexican place and I had cheese enchiladas with refried beans and rice. Soooo good. I don't know why I waited so long to try it. He laughed at me wolfing down the food. I was wearing a t-shirt from XKCD and our waiter was so excited to find a fellow geek. After that we went shopping for groceries and went back home to relax and do some work (school work for me, actual work for him). We also spent extra time with the cat because she was getting spayed the next day. We spoil her way too much, especially him.

Saturday he woke up waaay early to get the cat to the vet at 7 a.m. and he told me to stay in bed. He came back to bed after dropping her off and we slept in and cuddled until mid morning. We also went to the mall and walked around and bought a couple of things (I love Lush!). We went out for pizza and got a call that your cat was doing really well and to come pick her up at 5 p.m. We gamed the rest of the evening since we had to keep an eye on the cat and she's not allowed in our bedroom. She was so funny walking around while still under the effects of the drugs! But she hated her cone so much. She kept trying to get out of it and was throwing her body around. We actually had to lock her in her carrier to stop her from hurting herself

Sunday I wasn't doing so well. I got a cold from that fieldwork I mentioned earlier and was shivery with a sore throat. We stayed in, cuddled a lot, watched things on TV and hung out with the cat. Sunday night I wasn't well enough to go out for food so he went out to buy what he needed to fix chicken enchiladas for me at home. I love that man, but I especially love the fact that he will cook for me <3

He worked all day Monday while I cleaned around the house, did my homework and looked after the cat. She is such a good kitty, she takes her medication really easily, doesn't fight when it's time for the cone to come back on, and just loves people. I dressed up cutely for dinner and he was surprised when he came home, he wasn't expecting it. So that was nice . He took me to another burger place he had just discovered where I had a guacamole burger and a vanilla shake. It was wonderful. We also took silly pictures in the car.

Tuesday just came too soon... I only had time to shower and pack in the morning while he was at work, then he came home for lunch. Then he had to run off to run errands at work, and we embarked on the hour and a half drive to the airport. I won't dwell on how sad the goodbyes were. I know we can all relate.
I did end up sitting next to a really creepy guy on the plane though. This is a sample of our conversation:

Creepy guy: So why were you in Houston?
Me: My boyfriend lives there.
Creepy guy: Where is he from?
Me: Houston.
Creepy guy: Where is his family from?
Me: Texas.
Creepy guy: No no, what I'm asking you is, what race is he?
Me: Why does that matter?
Creepy guy: I'm just trying to picture the two of you together.

Yeah... no. Next visit is another weekend visit (better than nothing, but they are very stressful travel-wise) and I am already counting down the days!