I've been back in Kansas since Sunday night, but it's only now (Thursday evening) that I have any chance to write. With school, research, work and NaNoWriMo, I have been extremely busy, but it's been nice. A good kind of busy, because I feel I am feeling productive. I did get a really, really bad day on Tuesday, because I slept badly Monday night and just wanted hugs, and I have to admit I skipped my last two hours of work. I needed the down time though.

So, on to the visit summary, which went from November 7 to November 10 (as I type this I realize that November 10 was my half-birthday... I am officially closer to 23 than 22 now!)

I arrived late on Thursday - at 8 p.m. You might remember that I had ordered a cheese and meat basket to be delivered on Friday as a surprise for our anniversary. It got there early. He texted me while I was waiting for my flight there saying "did you send me a basket?" followed by "oh, I see the card now!" Just terrible. I guess he was still surprised but I didn't get to see his reaction first hand, which was kind of the point. Anyway we met up at the airport pick up point and had a quick hug and kiss. Talked and joked and held hands all the way back to his (our) place, where my little fuzzball of a kitten greeted me with a fluffed up tail. She remembered who I was instantly when I picked her up though, so that was good. Jason cooked me dinner - enchiladas and refried beans - and then we went to bed for shenanigans. TMI WARNING: this is the first time being together since I got off the pill and OH MY GOD it's awesome having my old sex drive back.

OK TMI is over.

He could work from home on Friday but still had to get up early, so I dozed in bed while he was in the next room on his computer. After about an hour he came back into the bedroom for more shenanigans. I like telling him that he did it on company time. He likes reminding me that, technically, he's always on company time, since he is expected to work anytime there is a problem, even over the weekend. I guess he made a point. We were done just in time for me to shower and skype with my mother. I got to introduce Jason to my mother over Skype. I am so anxious of my mother approving because she can say fairly mean things, but they talked a bit (about the weather and the cat) and it seemed to go well. He was so nervous he grabbed my hand. It was cute He also gave me a gift, a choker collar he got for me off etsy. After 5 p.m. he was officially "off work" and we went out to grab some food for the cat and stock up on alcohol. Right before leaving his sister called him on Skype and I got to talk to her and her six month old for a little bit. She made a comment about drunken sex being fun. I didn't quite know how to react to that - it's his sister so that felt weird!

Anyway we took a quick picture before leaving and here it is:

We couldn't decide where to go for dinner so we just ended up going back home and he made enchiladas again. He tried a new sauce and it was even better! The man can cook. We also had a paper bag from the liquor store and gave it to the cat to play with. Hilarity ensued, and unfortunately I couldn't catch the funnier moments.

He also got me another gift. My avatar on the boards here is of a keyring I got for him. Well he's been wanting to get me one for some time but couldn't find any ideas. He finally did, and it really is fitting for our relationship.

As you can guess, we often get into play fights over who loves who more. I guess he wins?

We stayed up fairly late on Friday, having fun and then watching the Avengers. He'd never seen it before, whereas I could probably read all the lines along with the movie. At least he enjoyed it!

Saturday morning we slept all the way until 11, then we had to scramble because we were supposed to be at his parents' house for lunch. We had BBQ made by his uncle (who I got to meet for the first time that day!) and it was sooo good. We got loaded with leftovers and sent on our way. We stopped at the mall and picked up a few things (apparently we love spending money when we are together). He'd gotten me body lotion from Bath & Body Works over the summer, and I actually used all of it up (even though it stays at his place). I feel like it's the first time I've ever gone through an entire tub of body lotion. So he got me another one. Feels nice to be spoilt

We got home and I had to do some schoolwork. We had the cheese and meat basket for dinner that night.

Sunday was... tough. Really tough. We were both so, so depressed. We'd said goodbye so many times before but this was different for some reason. Maybe we hadn't realized how short time would be. We went on a walk to a nearby playground and made comments about the houses we saw, planned our future. We were both very quiet on the way to the airport. I almost lost it when I had to say goodbye to him, but at the same time I had a pile of homework to do which I actually ended up doing at the airport and on the plane.

Now it's less than two weeks until our next visit for Thanksgiving. I'll get to meet his sister in person and a bunch of his family. I must say I look forward to it.