I'm being naughty and skipping my day of work today. Yesterday one of my professors assigned us this HUGE writing assignment and I am getting overwhelmed with work. I have a presentation to give tomorrow, a research paper to write over the weekend, that writing assignment due next Monday, and a presentation to give on the research paper I'm writing this weekend next Thursday. And then I have the GRE to prepare for, that's in two weeks time. I am definitely looking forward to Winter Break.

Part of the reason I am so busy is that I did not get nearly as much work done over Thanksgiving break, since I spent it with Jason. It was a lot of fun, though. I landed on Wednesday afternoon and was a bit annoyed by him being about 45 minutes late to pick me up. I had been doing a lot of waiting that day (waiting for the shuttle to the airport, waiting to get to the airport, waiting at the airport...) so I didn't have a lot of patience left. We went straight to the horseback riding place where I went on a ride for two hours. The trails were muddy so we had to be careful, but I rode a wonderfully spirited mare and had a bunch of fun. By we I mean my guides and myself, because Jason stayed behind (he doesn't ride) and took pictures of ponies instead.

Once we got back home he cooked for dinner and then we went to the bedroom because let's face it, that's the most fun we can have :P

We woke up really late on Thanksgiving day and ended up at his parents' house at 12:45. I was incredibly nervous meeting his extended family but it went well, everyone was very welcoming, and I also already knew his brother's girlfriend. The only two really awkward moments were when he told me not to bring anything because his mother likes having everything her way, and then his brother's girlfriend brought a cake and everyone was like "that's such a nice cake, that's so nice of you" and I was just sitting there awkwardly. And then his sister, who is also into horses, kept trying to one-up me. For instance, I say "I've been riding since I was eight years old" and she goes "well I've been riding since I was seven." I say "I used to ride freshly off-the-racetrack thoroughbreds to get them used a different style of riding" and she goes "well I've been retraining horses that have been deemed too dangerous to handle." I let her think she's better than me because it's a lot easier than arguing with her!

We avoided stores like the plague on Black Friday, and went to the Renaissance Festival instead. It was on its last weekend and we went last year when we first started dating, so it was nice reminiscing about the first time we went there together. I ended up splurging on a corset, while he bought me a tungsten carbide and mother-of-pearl ring. It's very pretty but weighs a little bit. I subconsciously put it on my left ring finger and he told me he could take a hint! When we got home I finished up NaNoWriMo! I had 3000 words to go and I just sat down and did it. My final word count is 50, 238. I am so proud of myself, I do believe it's the longest thing I've ever written. When I was in high school all my friends thought I would become an author one day. Maybe I'll take them up on that.

We spent Saturday shopping and lounging around, and watched the Hobbit extended edition on blu ray. It was so awesome! Probably awesomer because I had half a bottle of Moscato wine. No regrets! The only problem we had is that we started play-wrestling and he is so much STRONGER than me that he ended up hurting me pretty badly. Also he knows all my weaknesses (for instance, I am incredibly ticklish) and I got annoyed that he kept using it. We ended up talking through it and understanding each other, but it was our first real argument.

Sunday was tough. I don't like saying goodbye (who does?) and it never gets easier. It helps that next visit will be lengthier, and that we'll get to spend Christmas together. I already have a bunch of gifts for him and I can't wait to see his face when he opens them.

I also have an obligatory cat picture:

Our little fuzzy monster is quite overwhelmed by the size of the box we gave her (it's a vacuum cleaner box).