I am back (two days ago) from a month-long visit with my SO, and seriously it was wonderful. I mean seeing him always is, but each visit just makes us stronger and more hopeful toward the future. We are both working on the same goals, after all. It was the first time we could spend Christmas together, and of course I got strep throat on Christmas eve and had to get antibiotics for that. Since his dad can't be exposed to an infection due to a medical condition, we stayed home and opened our gifts from them while on Skype with them. We had a tree and stockings in our room (out of reach of the kitten) and spoiled each other. We even managed to get the cat a little festive bow!

The other notable thing that we did together was go to his company's Christmas/New Year's dinner. It was really a lot of fun, it's a small company and my SO has done so much work for them and overhauled so much of their systems. His boss is really nice when it comes to our relationship. When I was sick he let Jason work from home so he could look after me, and he also understands when Jason needs to leave early to go to the airport. He even joked that the length of time between our visits this time is too long, and that he will give Jason 2-3 days off so he can visit me. I know it's a joke, but part of me wants it to be true!

We did get to dress up for dinner though, which was nice. I ate a salmon dish which was quite possibly the best salmon I've ever had.

Our next visit is on Valentine's day, and then after that we'll have to wait a month until Spring Break. We're facing a few uncertainties, like what should he do apartment-wise (he has two weeks to decide whether he wants to stay where he is or move. His lease his up in April. We could be closing the distance in August) and we both need to save money, so we'll have fewer visits this semester. That hurts, because I feel like visits have been the only thing keeping me sane, but I guess we'll pull through it. We always do.